
Table of Contents

1. Links   links

1.1. xkcd   xkcd

1.2. Blogs   blogs

1.2.5. Optimizing your code is not the same as parallelizing your code


Python & Stuff → virtualenvwrapper


Sección sobre idiomas y lógica muy interesante


Phyiscs, AI, note taking

1.2.13. Juan Reyero
Un poco de programación y un poco de productividad en la empresa, con org mode

1.2.15. Eduardo Da Silva


Lo que me gusta es que te lleva de un tema a otro y me gustan todos (tecnología (informática) + sociedad + psicología)

1.3. Debate

1.4. Lenguaje

1.4.1. ranking de idiomas por velocidad y por información

El resultado es que aunque algunos lenguajes transmitan más fonemas por unidad
de tiempo, se adapta la velocidad para que la información por unidad de tiempo
sea aprox igual entre todos las lenguas que consideran

1.5. Arte   art


Tienen una página aleatoria, muy útil para improvisar en base a una pintura

1.5.2. hundredrabbits/Orca: Esoteric Programming Language
Sintetizador como si fuese un juego de la vida
Programación espacial sintetizador

1.5.3. Aseprite - Animated sprite editor & pixel art tool
Animaciones de estil 8bit pintando en el ordenador
Editor lineal (tiempo y capas)

1.6. Música   music

1.6.2. Beyond Borders. Broadening the Artistic Palette of (Composing) Improvisers in Jazz

1.6.3. Melodies as Maximally Disordered Systems under Macroscopic Constraints with Musical Meaning   physics

1.6.4. NEW PYTHON PACKAGE: Sync GAN Art to Music with “Lucid Sonic Dreams”!

1.6.5. Introducing Maestoso: An open source music animation software!

1.7. Física   physics

1.7.1. arxiv   arxiv Do equidistant energy levels necessitate a harmonic potential? Quantum Thermodynamics Allows Quantum Measurement Almost Without Collapse Negative contributions to entropy production induced by quantum coherences   quantum_thermo Bifurcation and chaos in nonlinear Lindblad equations   tfg 9 La dinámica con Lindblad es lineal en ρ en vez
de ser lineal en ψ. Citan como ejemplo de dinámica no-lineal Hartree-Fock,
aunque es lineal en ρ y resulta una aproximación de campo medio Newton vs the machine: solving the chaotic three-body problem using deep neural networks Entanglement statistics in Markovian open quantum systems: a matter of mutation and selection Entanglement: Quantum or Classical? Revivals imply quantum many-body scars   tfg Imperfect bifurcations in opinion dynamics under external fields A Quantum Field Theory View of Interaction Free Measurements Parte del detector de bombas cuántico de Sergio
(interferómetro de Mach-Zender) Quantum information in phase space Parece que se queda en W(x, p) gaussiana
siempre… Emergence of singularities from decoherence: Quantum catastrophes   tfg Challenges in Scaling-up the Control Interface of a Quantum Computer Quantum Lissajous Scars   tfg El sistema cuántico presenta mayor robustez
ante perturbaciones que el sistema clásico a la hora de conservar las figuras de
Lissajous Dissipation-induced structural instability and chiral dynamics in a quantum gas   arxiv

1.7.2. Dynamical Systems   dynamical_systems

1.7.3. Marco Tavora   marco_tavora Resumen de toda la física Va sobre la ecuación de Wheeler-DeWitt, que
es una ecuación del universo en formulación 3+1 cuantizada canónicamente (en la
que desaparece el tiempo como variable independiente, curiosamente, “no hay
tiempo”) Gravity and Electric Charges: Attraction and Repulsion

“Gravity and Electric Charges: Attraction and Repulsion” por Marco Tavora

Desde QFT, muy completo

1.7.4. Libros A concise treatement of quantum mechanics in phase space

1.7.5. Landauer’s principle - Wikipedia

1.7.6. Open Research Software   computer Revista científica con software altamente reutilizable

1.7.9. The Scientific Paper Is Obsolete. Here’s What’s Next. - The Atlantic

1.7.12. ML_Physics   ml_physics Differential Equations Versus Machine Learning

Type Empirical Data Driven Mechanistic
Deterministic ML ODE
Stochastic statistical model agent based model Neural networks are fundamentally Bayesian “Temporal Convolutional Networks, The Next Revolution for Time-Series?”

“Temporal Convolutional Networks, The Next Revolution for Time-Series?” por
Barak Or

1.7.13. HASH - Complex Systems Simulation - Build multi-agent simulations in minutes   complex_systems

1.7.14. Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 080401 (2020) - Tracking the Dynamics of an Ideal Quantum Measurement

1.8. Hacking   computer

1.8.1. Academics turn RAM into Wi-Fi cards to steal data from air-gapped systems | ZDNet

1.9. Linux desktop

1.9.1. Flatpak/Snap/AppImage → para las aplicaciones que tienen pocos usuarios y/o que tienen librerías raras, como no hay recursos para mantenerlas y testearlas tanto, entonces empieza a compensar snap/appimage/flatpak -> Actualizar AppImages incremental
Algunos consideran a homebrew como algo parecido
La diferencia está en que en homebrew el trabajo lo tiene que hacer en mayor parte el gestor de paquetes, mientras que en Flatpak/Snap/AppImage la mayor parte del trabajo lo hace el desarrollador de esa aplicación en concreto Flatpak y snap funcionan mal con plugins binarios
Cuando tienes que utilizar un plugin con compatiblidad binaria, Flatpak/Snap te dan problemas entre librerías del sistema versus librerías de snap (si es distinta versión ya no funciona)

1.9.5. The rocky road to better Linux software installation • Linux desktop packaging

1.9.6. pipewire
alternativa a pulseaudio y jack

1.10. Awesome

1.11. Ingenieria de software

1.12. Computer science   computer

1.12.1. Growing cellular automata

1.12.2. Blub Progrsmming Language

As long as our hypothetical Blub programmer is looking down the power continuum,
he knows he’s looking down. Languages less powerful than Blub are obviously less
powerful, because they’re missing some feature he’s used to. But when our
hypothetical Blub programmer looks in the other direction, up the power
continuum, he doesn’t realize he’s looking up. What he sees are merely weird
languages. He probably considers them about equivalent in power to Blub, but
with all this other hairy stuff thrown in as well. Blub is good enough for him,
because he thinks in Blub.

1.12.3. Functions and the rule of least power

1.13. Realidad Virtual

1.14. Organización

1.14.1. What it Takes to Read 2 Books a Week

1.14.3. How to estimate time   time_tracking

1.14.4. Invertir You Will Destroy Yourself Financially If You Save

“You Will Destroy Yourself Financially If You Save” por Tim Denning “This is How I Made $40k In Passive Income By Age 26”

“This is How I Made $40k In Passive Income By Age 26” por Amardeep Parmar “The Stock Market Is a Ponzi Scheme”

“The Stock Market Is a Ponzi Scheme” por Tim Denning “If You Have Any Money, It’s About to Lose (A Lot) of Value” por Tim Denning

1.15. Psicología y mejora personal   psicology

1.15.1.   mejora_personal

1.15.2. How not to be stupid Factores

  1. Estar fuera de tu entorno o cambiando tus rutinas
  2. Estar en presencia de un grupo
  3. Estar en presencia de un experto, o creerte que lo eres
  4. Hacer cualquier tarea que requiera mucha atención
  5. Sobrecarga de información, o multitarea
  6. Estrés o fatiga física, emocional, o mental
  7. Tener prisa o sensación de urgencia
  8. Lo contrario también, estados de flow, o sentimientos positivos muy intensos pueden adormecer y hacer que se cometan más errores

Las listas de comprobación son peores si provocan 7. No tomar decisiones en los
estados 6., 7. Cuando estés en una situación crítica (4.) elimona distracciones

1.15.4. The power moves

Recopilación de libros y resúmenes

1.15.5. “Your ‘Surge Capacity’ Is Depleted — It’s Why You Feel Awful”

Psicología y mejora personal

1.15.6. Two Books That Turned a 26-Year-Old Programmer Into a Billionaire

“Two Books That Turned a 26-Year-Old Programmer Into a Billionaire” por Alan Trapulionis
Sobre la falta de habilidades sociales y sobre mejor gestión

  • “Influence” by Robert Cialdini
    1. Reciprocation: the human need to return the favor
    2. Consistency: the human need to “save face” in front of others
    3. Social proof: why bartenders put a few dollars into the tip jar before the customers walk in
    4. Liking: an old truism, “we do business with people we like.”, based on someone’s looks and familiarity with us
    5. Authority plays a major role in business. Highlighting things like titles and money may seem wrong and inaccurate to a logical person, but they do work on a subconscious level.
  • “High Output Management” by Andrew Grove
    1. Sales forecasts: how many customers are you expecting to serve today? ⇒ how many staff and inventory do you need to keep the customers satisfied?
    2. Inventory levels: evaluate your inventory levels to properly fulfil orders, not having inventory is about the worst customer experience there is.
    3. Condition of the equipment, your production instruments. As a waiter, have you checked whether the toaster is working today? The customers won’t care if “it’s not your fault.” They’ll simply choose another place next time.
    4. Workforce indicators are needed to keep track of your staff.
    5. Quality indicators. Did the customers like the breakfast? Will they come back again? Companies that fail to learn go bankrupt “4 Books Everyone in Tech Should Read and Why”

“4 Books Everyone in Tech Should Read and Why” por Marco Antonio Ghiani

1.15.7. “8 Life Lessons I’ve Learned at 40-Something That I Wish I’d Known at 20-Something”

“8 Life Lessons I’ve Learned at 40-Something That I Wish I’d Known at
20-Something” por Shannon Hilson

1.15.8. “33 Things I Stole From People Smarter Than Me”

“33 Things I Stole From People Smarter Than Me” por Ryan Holiday

1.15.9. El mito de Sísifo - La Mente es Maravillosa El blog tiene más cpsas interesantes

1.15.11. Predictive coding is changing our understanding of the brain | Medium


1.18. Games

  • teardown game
  • the pedestrian

1.19. Curiosidades

1.19.4. Lenguaje de programación basado en MIDI   music engineering

1.19.5. Generador de imágenes en base a texto (GAN)

1.20. Chorradas

1.20.1. Generador AI de memes

1.20.2. Corporate B.S. Generator

1.20.3. Automatizar todo máximo

1.20.4. You can’t parse [X]HTML with regex

1.20.5. Comandos graciosos

“7 Terminal Commands That Will Just Make You Smile” por Coder’s Cat

  • sl → train animation
  • fortune cookies in terminal
  • cowsay
  • toilet beautiful color ascii art
  • oneko cat following your mouse
  • xeyes eyes following your mouse
  • cmatrix matrix visualization
  • hollywood → hacking according to hollywood

1.20.6. 0-ver (versiones 0.algo sin lanzar nunca la 1)

1.20.7. set-ver (versiones con {}) Setaceous Version

1.20.8. FOaaS Fuck Off as a Service

1.20.10. Uncyclopedia - Cualquiera puede editar, wikipedia troll

1.20.11. Cursed text

Lo bueno que tiene este es que es incremental como la respuesta de stack overflow

1.20.12. My first Python script (coming from C), feedback appreciated Python and C code at the same time python
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>

#/* pre-declare types and functions */
void: (type) = (type) ("(void *)0"),
int16_t: (type) = (type) (int(16))(),
int32_t: (type) = (type) (int(32))(),
puts: ((str) := void) = (print),
printf: ((str) := void) = (puts),

#/* confirm function and variable declarations */
[[void]] = (void),
[[total]] = (int32_t),
[[i]] = (int32_t),
[[puts]] = (puts),
[[printf]] = (printf),

#/* ensure forwards and backwards compatibility */
import __future__ as __past__

#/* output a formatted string to stdout */
def printf(s, __VA_ARGS__) -> (void) :{
    (void) (puts((void).__mod__(s, __VA_ARGS__), end=((void).__new__)(void))),

# * SUMMATION SCRIPT                                    *
# *******************************************************
# * Sum up all the natural numbers up to 6. The result  *
# * should be 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 = 21.           *
# *******************************************************/

#/* print numbers from 0 to 6 */
int32_t: i = 0,
while (i <= 6) :{
    (void) (printf(" %d\n", i)),
    (i := i + 1),

(void) (puts("__")),

#/* sum up numbers from 0 to 6 */
int32_t: total = 0,
int32_t: i = 0,
for (int32_t) in (i <- 0, i <= 6, ++i) :{
    (total := total + i),

(void) (printf("%d\n", total)), C
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>

#/* pre-declare types and functions */
void: (type) = (type) ("(void *)0"),
int16_t: (type) = (type) (int(16))(),
int32_t: (type) = (type) (int(32))(),
puts: ((str) := void) = (print),
printf: ((str) := void) = (puts),

#/* confirm function and variable declarations */
[[void]] = (void),
[[total]] = (int32_t),
[[i]] = (int32_t),
[[puts]] = (puts),
[[printf]] = (printf),

#/* ensure forwards and backwards compatibility */
import __future__ as __past__

#/* output a formatted string to stdout */
def printf(s, __VA_ARGS__) -> (void) :{
    (void) (puts((void).__mod__(s, __VA_ARGS__), end=((void).__new__)(void))),

# * SUMMATION SCRIPT                                    *
# *******************************************************
# * Sum up all the natural numbers up to 6. The result  *
# * should be 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 = 21.           *
# *******************************************************/

#/* print numbers from 0 to 6 */
int32_t: i = 0,
while (i <= 6) :{
    (void) (printf(" %d\n", i)),
    (i := i + 1),

(void) (puts("__")),

#/* sum up numbers from 0 to 6 */
int32_t: total = 0,
int32_t: i = 0,
for (int32_t) in (i <- 0, i <= 6, ++i) :{
    (total := total + i),

(void) (printf("%d\n", total)),

Author: Julian Lopez Carballal

Created: 2024-09-16 Mon 04:20