
Table of Contents

1. emacs   project

1.2. Org-mode

1.3. Aprender Emacs   learn

1.3.2. Aprender Lisp

1.3.6. Undo tree my current favorite feature of emacs Visualizer for Emacs native undo How to undo the undo

config de undo, evil-undo, undo-fu, y emacs 28

1.3.7. Your first taste of emacs, the beginner’s guide I wish I had when starting out

1.3.9. Movimientos en elisp

Combina los movimientos de emacs y de vim en un plugins para editar elisp
No es tan útil movimientos de línea como en vim, te genera unos propios
https://github.com/drym-org/symex.el es el que se utiliza en EmacsConf - 2020 - talks - Beyond Vim and Emacs: A Scalable UI Paradigm

So people who generally like Emacs bindings (like me) can have the cake and eat it too (no dedicated insert mode + shorter key bindings). While people who like vi can still get an experience that’s reasonably close to vi for LISP editing (since vi’s line-based approach isn’t very appropriate for LISP anyway).

1.3.10. Reimplementations of emacs Emacs in Javascript Emacs in Rust

1.4. Tricks

1.8. Integrations

1.8.1. Work integrations   work Notas diarias de trabajo

Qué estoy haciendo hoy? Links a versiones específicas de notebooks/código
Links al notebook en el que estoy trabajando hoy (con commits de git)
Una opción parecida de la que parto es tener una carpeta por día, para acceder rápidamente
Añadir también links a los emails (entrada → tarea, salida → entregable). No todos los emails tienen que linkarse, sino sólo los más relevantes

  1. link to commits

    Define a custom org-link to the commit at the start/end of day (make a bash script which selects start/end), see magit.
    Maybe it’s even simpler a link to a magit commit or something Outlook calendar / email
  1. integration with outlook calendar
    1. https://help.gnome.org/users/evolution/stable/calendar-publishing.html.en

      Puedes poner como ruta custom file:///home/julian/Work/calendar.ics y te lo sincroniza diariamente
      Hay que seleccionar sólo un calendario que si no se lía (Calendar es el bueno)
      También hay que editar Second zone: Europe/Madrid
      Luego con esto https://github.com/ettomatic/organised-exchange lo exporto a org junto con https://github.com/lytex/doom.d/blob/master/utils/exchange_to_org.sh

  2. Integration with mu4e / email
    1. Email setup in Emacs with Mu4e on macOS
    2. Setting up Emacs as Mail Client (different mails)
    3. Steps
      1. sudo apt install mu davmail isync
        1. mu is the email cli client
        2. davmail replicates all ews in local imap, smtp servers
        3. isync connects to the servers at localhost
      2. mu init --maildir=~/.mail init database
      3. Setup .mbsyncrc
      4. run mu4e inside emacs
    4. mu has queries!
    5. Mu4e dashboard using org-mode (with mu4e: links)
    6. Ver “Using Emacs and mu4e for emails - even with HTML” en YouTube
    7. Org mode: Linking to Emails in Thunderbird and GNOME Evolution
    8. GitHub - novoid/exchange2org: Connects to your Exchange server and extracts data in Org-mode format

      Please do note that this is a TEMPORARY stand-alone tool which will
      be added to Memacs as an module as soon as Memacs got migrated to
      Python 3: https://github.com/novoid/memacs/

      1. novoid/exchange2org: Connects to your Exchange server and extracts data in Org-mode format
        1. dot-emacs/config.org at master · novoid/dot-emacs
          1. Can I create a link to a specific email message in Outlook? - Super User
          2. External Links to Outlook Emails Get Broken When Emails Are Moved
      2. Link a Outlook ID
        javascript:location.href ='https://outlook.office.com/owa/?ItemID='+location.href.split("/")[location.href.split("/").length-1]+'&viewmodel=ReadMessageItem&path=&exvsurl=1'

        Sería juntar los dos y en teoría te los abre

    9. Integrar Outlook con orgzly   work

      El flujo parece mejor linkar los correos a issues de Jira
      https://github.com/kautsig/ews-orgmode -> No he conseguido que funcione
      No vale simplemente mu4e?? Abrir el correo en emacs simplemente
      -> La agenda va aparte (excorporate)

    10. [ANN] New package: mu4e-column-faces
    11. Notmuch as an alternative to mu4e
    12. Lo pruebo a instalar
      sudo snap install maildir-utils

      Ejecuto el mutt_oauth2.py pero me da error: AADSTS7000218: The request body must contain the following parameter: ’client_assertion’ or ’client_secret’.

    13. Don’t manage work email with Emacs ·
  3. https://neomutt.org/ Integrar jira con orgzly   work Integrar con Trello
  1. Clientes de terminal
  2. org-trello
    1. Define sus propios estados y tags (aunque hay una asociación tag → color)
      • Se podría hacer unos comandos que seleccionen el tag en base al color
      • Tiene sus propios todo keywords, y vas cambiando con SPC m t entre ellos
      • Si pones un
      • ↓ No puedes poner VERIFY y cosas así
    2. Setup

      Está bastante bien la guía, pero tiene algunas cosas extrañas:

      • Aunque se importa con M-x org-trello-import-medatada, hay que quitarle el:PROPERTIES::END: al principio y al final, o al menos así me funciona
      • Si te fijas el #+TODO parece indicar que no es un:PROPERTIES: sino que va arriba del archivo
    3. Customización
    4. Atajos

      Tienen org-trello-current-prefix (por defecto “C-c o”)

      C-c o c,C
      sync current entity, sync full entity (also its childs)
      C-c o s
      sync whole file (upload to trello from org mode)
      C-u C-c o s
      sync whole file (download from trello to org mode)
      C-c o j
      jump to trello card (open in browser)
      C-u C-c o j
      jump to trello board (open in browser)
      C-c o C
      Add a comment
      C-c o a
      Assign card to yourself
      C-c o t
      Assign card to other
      SPC m t
      org-todo (cycle)
    5. Qué cosas extras puedo tener en mi org-mode que no se sincronizan?
      • Si hago un SPC u C-c o s, se pierde todo lo que no se sincroniza, al final es mejor no mantener cosas extrañas
      • tags (salvo que sean unos de los colores, no se sincroniza)
      • properties
      • drawers se consideran parte de la descripción
      • Aunque el deadline se sincroniza, el scheduled no
      • Si meto un subheading, me lo convierte en [ ***] para que tenga un espacio antes (se interpreta como texto)
  3. Que cosas sobreviven un SPC u C-c o s

1.9. Buffers

1.9.1. How do emacs users usually have multiple files open at once. (C-x b)

Creo que es SPC , en doom, pero no me saca tantos como C-x b (SPC <)

1.9.2. How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Ibuffer (tabs vs buffers)

1.11. Paquetes

1.11.1. Búsquedas/Queries deft a nivel de archivo fzf

Hace todo lo que hace deft y mejor porque es fuzzy https://github.com/bling/fzf.el original, sólo búsqueda de archivos, o git grep https://gist.github.com/bling/18655e86918bebd7bc3d → mirar el de abajo, ha hecho fork

  1. http://seenaburns.com/2018/03/06/emacs-fzf/

    refactorización para que exponga una interfaz genérica para filtrar listas se
    puede usar para hacer un org-rifle fzf mucho mejor, o a lo mejor ya lo hace

  2. Search through fzf.el forks   project maybe_20230330

    It’d be better if it mantains the fzf as a filter approach
    Do a script to get the last commit of each repo, order by most recent, also including commits since the last commit of the parent repo [New Package] org-fts: full text search of your org-mode files with ivy integration

1.11.2. Navegación/Saltos Helm Goto any Heading   try

https://www.reddit.com/r/orgmode/comments/jiyrzd/helm_goto_any_heading/ org-goto helm-org-in-buffer-headings helm-org-parent-headings
helm-source-org-headings-for-files which allows you to make a Helm source for specific files. helm-org-rifle helm-org-ql Gumshoe: follows you around and logs your movements (vim jumplist) New Plugin: Harpoon for emacs   project someday_20230330

1.11.3. Completion Completion and the Minibuffer (Default completion) Emacs: completion framework (Embark, Consult, Orderless, etc.) Selectrum Vertico, Prescient, Consult, Embark - getting started Selectrum now deprecated in favor of Vertico : emacs
My journey has been Helm → Ivy → Selectrum

Mine has been =ido= --> =ivy= --> =selectrum=. Seems the time has come for me to try =vertico= as well. :-) helm vs ivy vs ido and configs

Investigate which I prefer occur <-> ivy, isearch <-> swiper, but fuzzier

  1. helm vs ivy: what are the differences, what are the advantages? - emacs
  2. helm or ivy? - emacs
  3. Do you think ido is still better than ivy?
  4. helm config
  5. helm-swoop → helm matching open buffers, by buffer type. Incremental search(?) GitHub - axelf4/hotfuzz: 🚓 Fuzzy Emacs completion style Which completion framework do you use and why? : emacs

1.11.4. Web Integración de captura multimedia
  1. Copying Media to Emacs by Lars Ingebrigtsen Emacs Web Wowser

1.11.5. Buffers Popper.el - Summon and dismiss buffers as popups


Marca unos buffers como Popups y otros como principales en base la nombre de la ventana, puedes ciclar entre los Popups y ocultarlos mostrarlos con un comando
Puedes convertir una principal en popup y viceversa.
Te agrupa ventanas por una función que quieras (por ejemplo el workspace de doom, pero que si está en un proyecto te agrupe todos los workspaces de ese proyecto en el mismo grupo)
Te permite especificar dónde se van a abrir, en función de unas reglas que matcheen el nombre del buffer (quizás mejor hacerlo con otros paquetes porque en emacs es muy confuso y mejor utilizar shackle.el por ejemplo)

  • Abrir el siguiente popup sin cerrar el actual
  • Abrir y cerrar todos los popups de una vez mpwang/perfect-margin: [emacs] auto center emacs windows, work with minimap and/or linum-mode

1.11.6. Multiple config with-emacs.sh: Script to easily run Emacs with specified configurations

1.11.7. Calfw (Calendar)

https://github.com/kiwanami/emacs-calfw Este es sólo en local, te muestra sólo las tareas de un día pero no su duración

1.11.9. Investigate projectile   research Org-projectile Capture Template question   research Alternative → project.el

1.11.12. Emacs literate config 4 Years with Literate Configuration

Partes malas de usar una literate config
Peor para debuguear, demasiado esfuerzo que luego nadie lee (ni tu ni nadie)

  • Usa un keyboard-based approach para que sí que sea útil leerlo
  • Si tienes una manera de exportar a código tu configuración y partir de allí puede ser más fácil debuggear dotfiles/init.md at master · skx/dotfiles · GitHub Doom Emacs Configuration

1.11.13. https://hacker-news.news/post/23299993

Los costes de elegir facilidad de aprendizaje en
Control y flexibilidad vs facilidad de aprendizaje

I see a lot of comments arguing that it’s not “worth it” to spend dozens of hours to “get into org-mode” when there are “intuitive tools” such as Evernote or Trello or Todoist etc. What some are missing is the fact that low barriers to entry sometimes turn into barriers to growth at a later stage. After (!) one has sunk thousands of hours into them. I used to keep my academic notes in Evernote and it turned into hell after about 2,000 notes and a few years of work. I couldn’t find things when I needed them, it didn’t support a non-linear mode of work. It became my personal black hole that swallowed up information but never gave it back. With org-mode I have created my very own filing and research system. After years of using it and thousands of articles I find things. Quickly. Now, with org-roam, I create hubs of knowledge and ideas that I can come back to at a later point without worrying about linearity or chronology. No longer do I need to know where things are. I know what ideas are in there. If I don’t like a certain workflow, I can grow, develop or change my filing and note-taking system as I see fit. In my opinion, org-mode eliminates the risk of hitting any sort of barrier after years of sunk costs.

1.11.14. More batteries included with emacs

Small tricks, curiosities:

  • No packages, stock Emacs only.
  • No steep learning curves. Learn each feature in under two minutes or bust.
  • No gimmicks. No doctor, tetris, snake, dunnet, zone or butterfly.
  • Just the deltas. No commonly mentioned packages like flymake, doc-view, outline-minor-mode or eww/w3m. Nothing that Emacs brings up automatically or a nonspecific Google search gets you.
  • Assume a modern Emacs, 26.3+.

1.11.16. [NEW] BFS (Browse File System) -> dynamic tree view of the file system à la ranger

1.12. Diagramas en emacs + org-mode

1.14. Todo en emacs (Emacs application framework)

1.14.1. Emacs as a universal front-end interface (all things supported by emacs)

1.14.4. GitHub - karthink/elfeed-tube: Youtube integration for Elfeed, the feed reader for Emacs

1.15. Sin clasificar

1.15.1. Javascript para todo, se ejecuta en emacs y en android

Una de las ventajas de usar Javascript para todo es que se ejecuta en emacs y en android

1.15.2. I am in awe of Emacs.

https://www.reddit.com/r/emacs/comments/j04xxw/i_am_in_awe_of_emacs/ Muestra las
partes buenas pero también las malas, porque se han enzarzado más tarde en
discusiones del estilo “yo creo que emacs no es begginer-friendly” “yo creo que
no debería importar” blablabla

1.15.3. Emacs distributions skyler544/doom-nano-testing: This is some rough code that tries to get Nano Emacs (by Nicolas Rougier) and Doom Emacs (by Henrik Lissner) to play nice together. rougier/nano-emacs: GNU Emacs / N Λ N O - Emacs made simple Spartan Emacs (A New Minimal Emacs Configuration Framework) Ver “Emacs from Scratch” en YouTube

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ea_-TaEGa7Y Distrotube
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VcgjTEa0kU4 Emacs from scratch (org-mode) Emacs from scratch es más para empezar desde cero completamente, nada de doom Migrating from Doom Emacs to vanilla Evil users who made the switch to vanilla: why?

1.15.4. Parsear Logs usando org-mode   idea

Que imprima la jerarquía del stack, usando como TODO keywords los niveles de log

1.15.5. Internxt

Internxt Drive. A zero-knowledge file storage service that’s based on absolute
privacy and uncompromising security. Viene de Interferencias
https://github.com/internxt https://internxt.com/

1.15.7. Emacs is the two dimensional Command-line Interface

If bash for example is one-dimensional (works at the level of line) then emacs is two dimensional

1.15.9. Since 1992, an 8,000 lines long, old-style .emacs, still currently updated [Karl Fogel]

1.15.11. EmacsConf - 2021

1.15.12. Emacs Daemon and Multiple Daemons | Pekka Laiho

Distintos daemons de emacs
Uno rápido para anotar cosas, otro que tarde más con todo ya cargado
Al menos uso siempre uno principal que siempre responde, y otro secundario para procesamientos más grandes
Lo ideal sería separar uno de otro. Sería mucho cambio? (org protocol, archivo .destkop de cliente, cambiar comando para lanzar el daemon)

1.15.13. journal like    idea

In Roam Research, dates are links, which go to the corresponding journal file. In emacs, it’s a link to an agenda search (which is nice, but maybe not what I want)
idea: modify templates to automatically sellect the date of the journal as scheduled date, instead of using as the heading name BUT when carrying it over to the next day, they loose this information

1.15.14. Neovim dentro de emacs??   idea

Así estandarizo toda la config de nvim en un sitio, y así la puedo usar en
vscode por ejemplo, para tener todas las integraciones que tiene por defecto
vscode, o todas las integraciones que tiene emacs, sin tener que quedarme con
uno u otro Como neovim permite desacoplar editor de “motor de vim”, puedo usar
el “motor” en muchas partes

  • ↓ Pierdo buena integración con cosas específicas de emacs (org-mode, mu4e, …)
  • Lo ideal sería que fuese modal, poder activarlo o desactivarlo en el buffer actual

1.15.15. Investigar Formas de abrir links

https://www.reddit.com/r/emacs/comments/gsv5np/care_to_share_configs_for_how_you_use_orgroam/ -> Super config de org-roam, este tío se ha pasado org-roam, abre los links de
distintas maneras
Volver después de seguir un link ]b si es en un nuevo buffer, si no org-mark-ring-goto, aunque no funciona siempre! (no funciona cuando es un link interno, en el mismo archivo)
También funciona C-o, C-i como en vim, interesante
https://orgmode.org/manual/Handling-Links.html#Handling-links Cuando es interno, funciona M-< !!!
hugo tiene abrir en la misma pestaña si es con click izquierdo y abrir en otra nueva si es click derecho, puede estar interesante replicar estas dos maneras
Abrir un link en un nuevo buffer org-roam
Abrir un link en una ventana pequeña (o incluso preview cuando haces hover/el cursor está encima)
https://github.com/org-roam/org-roam/issues/920 → org-roam es inconsistente en su manera de abrir links, parece que por org-link-frame-setup:
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17590784/how-to-let-org-mode-open-a-link-like-file-file-org-in-current-window-inste/49855491#49855491 CANCELLED Links a queries de org-agenda o lo que sea

org-ql ya lo tiene
Después se puede hacer transclusión de una query (si hago el link es más fácil)
concepto es https://github.com/alphapapa/org-ql#dynamic-block, distinto porque
hay que actualizarlo a mano
http://endlessparentheses.com/use-org-mode-links-for-absolutely-anything.html emacs calendar

Tiene ayuda extensa Conflicta atajos con evil-mode org-noter con varios pdf por org

En me está petando porque tengo 2 pdfs asociados al mismo org. Por ejemplo cuando intento sincronizar las notas o cuando intento insertar un marcador no me deja.

1.16. emacs & UNIX Philosophy

emacs follows the dotadiw because is a lisp IDE, not a text editor

1.16.1. Comment on Unix versus Emacs | Protesilaos Stavrou

1.16.3. The primary use case of emacs is to develop Emacs into the exact tool you need for your job


Emacs is not a text editor, Emacs is a framework to build text editors that adapt exactly to the way information flows in your development environment. The more you adapt Emacs to that flow, the more your flow improves and becomes seamless and automated. As a corollary, there are no two Emacs alike, nor should there be. Also, the more information gets indexed, searchable and so on, the more Emacs improves on the flow and the more you customise Emacs - in a recursive process, making it your text editor.
the primary case for Emacs is to develop Emacs into the exact tool you need for your job

1.17. Values of the emacs community

1.17.1. How much has the usage of Elisp=Emacs suffered or been held back over the years by RMS’s prohibition of FFI in the past?

1.17.2. How to open a file in Emacs - Murilo Pereira

1.17.3. Question On Making The Impossible: Making Emacs So Easy That Your Partner Could Use It For Just TODO Lists


The vast majority of software is built for non-professionals. And for people who don’t really need or care about understanding how things work or having to do anything complex or abstract, that is fine. They have many options and eye candy to choose from. Why does emacs need to replicate that? They don’t need to use emacs or vim or horror of horrors, a shell. In fact they are happy to pay large sums of money, give up their privacy and freedom not to use emacs and vim because they believe that whatever dreck they have bought “just works.”

This sort of question pops up once in a while and I really do understand the frustration of having all this power at your fingertips and not being able to share it with people you care about. Some of them might show a little interest in emacs they realize that there is not just a learning curve, but a steep, almost vertical incline that vanishes into the clouds. They aren’t going to spend two hours let alone the years needed to fully master such tools. Be honest with yourself, they are just humoring you; being polite. They don’t care. Nor should they.

What you are asking is possible. But there have never been enough emacs people willing to put in the work on a bunch of features that they will never need or use for people who just don’t care. Such features will not bring the power of emacs to the muggles, they will eventually need to learn the keybindings and the rest to unlock that power. Put a dumbed down interface on top of emacs and what you get is a dumbed down subset of emacs which they can already get in an app store.

We live in an Eternal September. When the muggles stormed the gates and finally got admission to this vast land, they realized that they didn’t understand what they had found. They demanded everything be rewritten so that they could use it without having to learn anything. They got what they wanted, and they got what they deserved.

Those of us who were here first shrugged and formed a pocket universe of professional tools and text interfaces that the muggles don’t see. They could see it if they wanted to but they aren’t interested.

That’s fine by me.

1.18. Org mode fuera de emacs

1.18.1. Alternativas org-mode

Preferiblemente open-source o hackeable con plugins Editores markdown
  1. https://github.com/silverbulletmd/silverbullet

    Basado en Markdown (archivos reales en backend), WYSIWYG, tiene fold
    No tiene soporte org mode

  2. https://github.com/bangle-io/bangle-io

    Basado en Markdown (archivos reales en backend), WYSIWYG, 6 niveles de jerarquía

  3. https://github.com/hedgedoc/hedgedoc
  4. https://github.com/awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted#note-taking--editors
  5. https://github.com/dullage/flatnotes Agora AppFlowy-IO/AppFlowy: AppFlowy is an open-source alternative to Notion. You are in charge of your data and customizations. Built with Flutter and Rust. logseq Standard Notes

Otra alternativa a org-mode, centrada en privacidad
https://standardnotes.org/why-encrypted -> Panóptico de Focault GitHub - zadam/trilium: Build your personal knowledge base with Trilium Notes

Muy interesante, distintos tipos de links (no sólo uno como en org-roam) https://xiki.org/


  • links a búsquedas que abren el navegador
  • código (shell, js, sql), iniciar dockers
  • encontrar un icono de FontAwesome
  • browse react components
  • execute questions to interact with general AI (Wolfram Alpha)
  • search your notes/code snippets from everyhwere, fallback to searching community based snippets à la cheat.sh (run commands right from the shell), fallback to web search
    • also shortcut to select the next level (notes→community→web search) dendronhq/dendron: The personal knowledge management (PKM) tool that grows as you do!

«It’s like an IDE applied to your notes, very useful if you know in advance the structure of your notes»

  • Lookup
    • one unified way to find and create notes
    • quickly traverse and create new hierarchies
  • Schema
    • ensure consistency for your knowledge base
    • get autocomplete hints when creating new notes
    • automatically apply common templates to notes on creation
  • Refactor
    • restructure your knowledge base without breaking links
    • rename a single note or refactor using arbitrary regex
    • rename and move individual sections within notes https://orgmode.org/worg/org-tutorials/index.html → alternativas emacs Emacs in the browser
  1. GitHub - JAremko/docker-x11-bridge: Simple Xpra X11 bridge to enable GUI with any docker image
  2. GitHub - karlicoss/cloudmacs: Selfhost your Emacs and access it in browser
  3. Release Note v0.1 org mode client
  4. Emacs running in the browser

    Se puede combinar con Nyxt Browser para que se tenga acceso a TODOS los atajos de teclado desde el navegador

  5. Browser-based frontend to emacs possible now? · emacs-ng/emacs-ng · Discussion #492
    1. Displaying the emacs pgtk branch in a browser window
    2. Idea: A web frontend for Emacs via CodeMirror
  6. [feature] gitpod integration · Issue #2845 · emacs-lsp/lsp-mode · GitHub
  7. nyxt browser GNU Hyperbole
  1. My Understanding of GNU Hyperbole


    The package tries to provide an opinionated knowledge management environment. For the authors of the package a knowledge management environment is an environment where

    1. The text is alive and actionable in a consistent manner.
    2. Brainstorm ideas using an outliner. Used this to write this article.
    3. Manage how to view information. Used this to some extent.
    4. How to search quickly. Not used this personally. I will not be discussing this.

    You might look at this and say whats the point of this. This seems to have a large overlap with what org mode seems to accomplish. The biggest difference I find between org-mode and Hyperbole is that the later aims to provide a more encompassing knowledge working environment where org mode could be a one of the components in this environment.

    • Make text actionable and alive: Hyperbole achieves this using the concept of “buttons”. A button is a (hyper)link that has an action associated with it. Links we understand today are pointers to bits of information, that means clicking a link opens a new page of information. Hyperbole expands that concept to add the ability to execute arbitrary actions on “clicking” or activating the button.
    • Brainstorm ideas in an outliner: Koutliner is similar to org mode in that it provides an outliner. But this out liner has a few features that org mode does not provide. The one that I use the most is a viewspec. A view spec defines how the outliner should show every node.
    • Manage how to view information: This comes down to splitting and moving windows with content to the place its most relevant. Hyperbole provides some really nice ways to arrange windows and move buffers between them.
  2. GNU Hyperbole: many have heard of it, but what does it do? This is my answer. Plaintext Productivity | Hacker News | org mode alternatives GitHub - vhyrro/neorg: Modernity meets insane extensibility. The future of organizing your life in Neovim.

1.18.2. Compartiendo org-mode Montar organice en el servidor de orgwiki para que la gente pueda editar los archivos.org

Tengo dos opciones:

  • Montar un organice entero (que parece que es complicado de configurar)
  • Montar un webDAV y utilizar el front que tienen montado ellos, mucho mejor y tengo actualizaciones y hosting gratis Montar un formation.tools Montar un Emacs running in the browser Montar un editor de markdown


  • Tener un servidor con accesos por LDAP o similares, con gestión de usuarios clásica
    • Los usuarios no van a poder ver el .git, porque si no se saltaría la autorización
    • Tendría que ver la manera de abrir con bangle.io una carpeta local dentro del servidor, sin GUI
    • No podrían ver el resto de carpetas del servidor
    • Habrá que crear un grupo “git” con un usuario “git” al que no pertenezca ningun usuario, y que pueda ver todos los archivos. Si creo un grupo “grupo” para agrupar a los usuarios, entonces “git” tiene que ser miembro de “grupo” también
  • Simplificar git con push-to-deploy (no tengo que tener una sincronización)
  • Si quiero poner orgwiki.space en contenedor cómo afecta la gestión de usuarios? Montar un Git-based CMS Montar un

1.19. Alternativas emacs (para móvil)

1.19.1. Innovations in Emacs Touch Interfacing – Random Thoughts

Interfaz para emacs basada en una grid, eventos táctiles larsmagne/touchgrid.el: Control Emacs by reading libinput events

Si hago algo con esto, podría modificar la “interfaz” (ahora es un config.org con atajos de teclado, pero podría ser un config alternativo, para no tener que duplicar código) Emacs UI for the new (libre) Linux phones that are coming? : emacs

Honestly it’s not so bad using a touch keyboard for Emacs. Not ideal, but that’s because touch screens are a bad input device for almost all purposes. I’m sure there’s some low-hanging touch fruit for Emacs to include, but I’ve yet to see a touch-screen UI for complex tasks of any kind.
The present manufacturers want you consuming content and tweeting, not producing things, so they design hardware and UI conventions to steer you that way.
Hopefully libre phones can lead to the development of workable mobile UI, but I strongly suspect input devices beyond the screen are called for, such as chording keyboards. But then you might as well have just bought a Twiddler to begin with and not bothered to do anything to Emacs. Using Mac gestures in Emacs

Utilizando gestos de dos manos en trackpad, no sé si valdrá para táctil More batteries included with emacs (strokes mode)

1.19.2. Hacer una interfaz en pinephone   build

1.20. Youtube

1.20.1. Interview with Henrik Lissner, Emacs Doom Creator


Only one month really isn’t enough given Spacemacs’ big scope. Spacemacs is better than Doom in many aspects such as user documentation, quantity of well thought and pre-configured stuff, more independent dev, true community config, etc… But Spacemacs has some key issues in which Doom is better at, mainly on what refers to performance and complexity, and the Doom community/support is better too. I think Spacemacs still is going to exist, but Doom is raising.

Nah. Spacemacs is valuable for the bridge it provides newbies to emacs. But it needs to solve a bunch of its own issues to sustain newbies. Most power users move to custom configs or doom configs IMO. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LKegZI9vWUU

Introspection of emacs (SPC h), unique feacutre
Las cosas buenas de elisp es poder hacer advice a cualquier función (Aspect Oriented Programming)
En neovim (Lua) hay una librería de AOP en Lua, y también está vim-advice, pero no es lo mismo (o bien está en Lua y no pilla todas las funciones, o bien está en vimscript pero no es lo mismo)
Guile Emacs → cambiar intérprete de elisp por Guile, backwards compatible, pero se ha estancado

1.20.2. Tony Aldon Tutoriales emacs youtube

1.20.3. Jake B Tutoriales emacs youtube

1.20.5. Brown University interview with Emacs contributor Protesilaos Stavrou

1.20.8. Ver “John Kitchin” en YouTube (scimax)

1.21. python-emacs   project someday_20230330

1.21.2. Logically nested fruit salad

1.21.3. Protesilaos Stavrou: Modus themes: review rainbow-delimiters faces

1.21.4. Setting up doom-emacs as a IDE for python. · Issue #3903 · hlissner/doom-emacs · GitHub

Setup rápido para python en doom

1.21.6. Enviar a REPL https://github.com/jkitchin/scimax

Está ya muy integrado parece ser, no sé como irá junto con Doom o si rompe mucho
Elpy (provides almost all features) flycheck (for linting) py-autopep8 (formats code on save)

1.21.8. Webmacs - New Emacs configuration for web development

1.24. Atajos de teclado Emacs puro

  • Seleccionar texto: click izquierdo para marcar el inicio, click
    derecho para marcar el final.
  • To cut the text, press C-w
  • To whack the text, press M-w (el símbolo M significa ALT)
  • To yank the text, press C-y


  • To undo: C-_
  • To redo after a undo: C-g, C-_
  • Guardar con C-x, C-s

1.25. Emacs application framework and related

1.25.1. Base technology (Old Stuff)

if you are on linux and use x11, there’s something called the emacs application framework, lets you view a simple video player (among other things) from within emacs as if it were a part of the GUI window by using x11 window re-parenting technology https://github.com/manateelazycat/emacs-application-framework (Now is using Qt reparenting which I’m not sure if it’s as flexible as x11 parenting)
https://emacsconf.org/2020/talks/34/ → talk about EAF

1.25.2. Emacs Application Framework (2021)

Bridging Elisp with Python and Javascript (1:30)
EAF from DBus to Emacs RPC (Better Support) (3:00)
EAF File Manager (5:00)
EAF RSS Reader (5:25)
EAF Browser (Navegador con JS)
Python and VueJS demo App (6:20)
EAF pdf (7:30)
Popweb (multimedia popup) (8:13)
Popup de latex sobre el código en tiempo real

1.25.3. TICKLER https://github.com/emacs-eaf/emacs-application-framework   track

Ir viendo como evoluciona y si merece la pena cambiarse

1.25.5. window manager

1.25.6. Introducing emacs-webkit - A successor to xwidget-webkit

Author: Julian Lopez Carballal

Created: 2024-11-06 mié 12:54