
Table of Contents

1. fzf

1.2. “I ❤ FZF”

“I ❤ FZF” por Gideon Caller https://link.medium.com/7FuPdSouF9

1.3. fzf as browser tab search

The vimium omnibar also does this

1.4. fzf as an app launcher

dmenu es un launcher markoviano
Lo malo de fzf es que no guarda cuáles son las apps más usadas (frecency)

1.4.1. rofi

Like fzf, for applications (application launcher)

1.4.3. https://github.com/cdown/clipmenu

a simple clipboard manager using dmenu (or rofi with CM_LAUNCHER=rofi, fzf) and xsel.

1.4.6. bmenu

1.5. Everything in fzf

1.6. fuzzy search mostrando info de la selección actual

  apt-cache search . | fzf --multi --preview 'apt-cache policy {1}' | awk '{print $1}' | xargs -ro apt-get install -s
  paru -Ss ferdium | grep -v '   '  | fzf --multi --preview 'paru -Si {1}' | awk '{print $1}' | xargs -ro paru -S

1.7. forgit: Interactive Git Commands With Previews Powered By fzf Fuzzy Finder - Linux Uprising Blog   try

1.8. Fzy, better scoring algorithm than fzf (but doesn’t support multiple space separated search terms)


I don’t use the fzy because the algorithm doesn’t support multiple space separated search terms like fzf does

Author: Julian Lopez Carballal

Created: 2024-10-21 Mon 08:45