complex vs urgent
Table of Contents
1. Complex vs urgent
1.1. Complex problems only
solved between many people (e.g. science) without a hierarchy/central authority
1.2. Urgent problems only
One person decides all, with a clear hierarchy and a rigid chain of command (fireman, policeman, military)
1.3. Complex and urgent
Distribute the work between people (because it’s complex), but also verify that it is correctly executed, using feedback loop
- It’s our focus on customers that holds us back.
- The most innovative companies aren’t just satisfying their existing customers.
At smaller scales, huge number of inventions are no longer driven by their original intent.
All of these have something in common: they repurposed something they already had.
This is exaptation; the re-use of things for purposes for which they were not designed or evolved.
This is what Dave calls “Managing for Serendipity”.
1.4. Cynefin Framework
1.5. En problemas complejos siempre haces algo mal
En campos/trabajo del conocimiento, siempre vas a hacer algo mal, pero eliges qué hacer mal al no dedicarte a ello y no prestarle atención (back vs front, limpieza de código, ingeniería de código vs estadística, Data Science)
Esto es algo así como lo de postmodernismo que tienes infinitas perspectivas que nunca vas a poder conocer a fondo?
1.5.1. Pero también vas a hacer algo bien
Siempre suele haber un aspecto en el que esa persona se explaya y elige concentrarse en ese y hace un trabajo sincero/honesto, porque si no es un rollo, o esa persona es cínica
1.5.2. Principles Are Timeless Best Practices Are Fads - Simple Programmer
Best practices are subjective and depend largely on context, while principles are eternal and universal.
Rather than get trapped into the argument of when unit testing loses its value, it is better to address when it has the highest value—we are much more likely to agree there.
If you were to blindly follow any best practice and not apply that best practice in a way that brings out the underlying principle, you would be very unlikely to actually receive any benefit.
most best practices are actually derived from universally applicable principles that never change. That is why most best practices are good.
It’s not the best practice that is effective, it is the principle behind the best practice
1.6. Los problemas complejos se resuelven con tu vida
Tienen path dependence, dependen del camino que has seguido en tu vida, y no tienes más tiempo para resolverlo que con lo que te vas encontrando. Son profundamente tuyos
Por ejemplo el problema de qué herramienta de convergencia (por ejemplo utilizar la del Business Canvas o la que sea) de todas las que hay utilizar al final es la que más te guste y con la que más hayas trabajado y que sepas que funciona. No te compensa probar todas
Exploration vs Explotation
there are no answers. You write as much as you can until you can’t any more. The writer’s job is to figure out the answers to these questions, and the answers are embodied in the work.