Table of Contents
- 1. docker docker
- 1.1. Resources
- 1.2. Docker mental models
- 1.3. Resumen
- 1.4. Maintenance
- 1.5. Introductory
- 1.6. Tricks
- 1.7. Dockerfiles
- 1.8. Aprender docker learn
- 1.9. Rootless containers
- 1.10. docker login
- 1.11. docker catalog listing
- 1.12. Development containers
- 1.13. docker python python
- 1.14. docker alternatives
- 1.14.1. podman is not ready yet (Feb 2021)
- 1.14.2. You Don’t Have to Use Docker Anymore (Alternative Runtimes and Container Libs)
- 1.14.3. podman docker-compose → kubernetes
- 1.14.4.
- 1.14.5. Podman vs Docker: 6 Reasons why I am HAPPY I switched | SHB : selfhosted
- 1.14.6.
- 1.14.7. rancher-sandbox/rancher-desktop: Container Management and Kubernetes on the Desktop
- 1.14.8. Docker vs Moby
- 1.14.9. Unikernels (container replacement)
- 1.14.10. Docker for different languages
- 1.15. Docker on web assembly
- 1.16. Streamline your Docker builds with Pants
- 1.17. Optimizaciones docker
- 1.18. Lazydocker tutorial - Docker UI in Go
- 1.19. Multi-Py: Multiplatform Container Images for Python Packages
1. docker docker
1.1. Resources
1.2. Docker mental models
1.3. Resumen
- Debian:
sirve para instalar cosas, cmd
es lo que se ejecuta cuando se
hace docker run
(no había otra manera más confusa de hacerlo???)
# Crear un Dockerfile $ docker build -t <name:tag> <path> docker build --build-arg arg1="arg1" arg2=2 . $ docker image ls $ docker run <name> -e key=value $ docker run <name> -e env # env tendrá el valor que tiene $env en nuestro entorno $ docker ps
En docker cada línea es una capa, y sólo actualiza una capa si detecta
que ha cambiado. Esto hace que haya que tener en cuenta algunos
comportamientos inesperados a la hora de editar un Dockerfile:
- Para correr docker en la misma red en la que estás
1.3.1. debugging
docker run -it --entrypoint sh
- Copiar a local
docker cp <docker ps id>:<docker path> <local path>
-> sacar la id condocker ps
docker exec -it agitated_bell sh # docker ps -> NAMES, permite ejecutar una terminal incluso si tiene un entrypoint
docker ps -> docker inspect $CONTAINER_ID
- Cuidado con el orden de los argumentos:
docker run -it --network host -e "ENVIROMENT=TEST" --entrypoint bash my-docker-image
1.3.2. cleaning
A running instance of an image is a container
docker stop agitated_bell
docker ps -a #
docker rm <ids de contenedores terminados>
docker images
docker rmi <id de la imagen> # Eliminar los contenedores antes para que no de el error:
Error response from daemon: conflict: unable to remove repository reference (must force) - container is using its referenced image
1.3.3. exportar/push
docker push <url de imagen de docker>
docker export <name> > <name>.tar
docker export <name> | gzip > <name>.tar.gz
1.3.4. importar/pull
docker pull <url de imagen de docker>
docker import <name>.tar <name:tag>
zcat <name>.tar.gz | docker import - <name:tag>
1.3.5. secret
echo "password" | docker secret create mysecurepassword - docker service create --name redis --secret mysecurepassword redis:alpine
1.3.6. Docker environment variables
Environment variables are exported with quotes, so that you have to remove quotes from your .env
docker run --env-file=env_file_name alpine env
1.3.7. Docker reverse shell
FROM ubuntu:18.04 RUN apt update && apt install -y nmap RUN ncat 8989 -e /bin/sh CMD ["/bin/bash"]
version: '3.0' services: reverse_shell: build: . container_name: shell_container restart: always ports: - 8989:8989 networks: myNetwork: ipv4_address: networks: myNetwork: driver: bridge ipam: config: - subnet:
nc -l -p 8989
para conectarse- GitHub - cytopia/pwncat: pwncat - netcat on steroids with Firewall, IDS/IPS evasion, bind and reverse shell, self-injecting shell and port forwarding magic - and its fully scriptable with Python (PSE)
1.4. Maintenance
1.4.1. Limpieza de docker y tamano de cache
docker image prune -a -f –filter “until=90”
docker system prune -a -f
Alguna cosa más por ahí en firefox que tenía
docker system df --format 'json' -v | jq -r '.BuildCache.[] | ("\(.Size) \(.InUse) \(.CreatedSince) \(.LastUsedSince) \(.ID)")' | sort -hr
1.5. Introductory
1.5.1. Mental models for tickets process
1.6. Tricks
- Cómo ser root?
Pasar-u 0
como parámetro (vale para run y exec) - Append to path
ENV PATH="${PATH}:/home/appuser/.local/bin"
- Do not restart docker-compose containers
docker update --restart=no asdfasdf
docker history
para ver cuánto ocupa cada capa de docker- docker build $(out=“”; for i in \((grep -vE '^#|^\)’ .env); do out+=“–build-arg $i ” ; done; echo $out;out=“”) . -t image
docker build con argumentos desde un .env, quitando líneas vacías y comentarios
docker build $(out=“”; for i in \((grep -vE '^#|^\)’ .env); do out+=“–build-arg $(echo $i | sed ‘s/=/_ARG=/’) ” ; done; echo \(out;out="") . -t image Si quieres añadir un _ARG al final ENV_VARIABLE=value → ENV_VARIABLE_ARG=value para luego en Dockerfile hacer ENV ENV_VARIABLE=\){ENV_VARIABLE_ARG} Abrir puertos de un docker que ya se está ejecutando
docker inspect containername | grep "IPAddress" # Para sacar la ip del contenedor docker network ls # Para sacar la red docker run --rm --network ec7e6c6e6c10 -p 5555:5555 verb/socat TCP-LISTEN:5555,fork TCP-CONNECT:
1.6.1. How can I determine ENTRYPOINT & CMD are on an image? - Open Source Projects / DockerEngine - Docker Community Forums
docker inspect <hash> | grep -i -e entrypoint -e cmd -C 5
1.6.2. Environment variables precedence | Docker Documentation
- Set using
docker compose run -e
in the CLI - Substituted from your shell
- Set using the
attribute in the Compose file - Use of the
argument in the CLI - Use of the
attribute in the Compose file - Set using an
file placed at base of your project directory - Set in a container image in the ENV directive. Having any
setting in aDockerfile
evaluates only if there is no Docker Compose entry forenvironment
orrun --env
1.6.3. docker stats for all running dockers
docker stats -a | grep -v '0.00%'
1.7. Dockerfiles
1.7.1. Dockerfile with Spanish Locale
FROM python:3.8-slim-buster RUN apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y && DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y locales locales-all && \ rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* RUN locale-gen "es_ES.UTF-8"
1.7.2. Dockerfile with headless chromium
FROM python:3.8-slim-buster RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \ chromium \ chromium-l10n \ chromium-sandbox \ --no-install-recommends \ && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* RUN pip install pip --upgrade RUN groupadd -r appuser && useradd -r -g appuser -G audio,video appuser COPY --chown=appuser:appuser . /home/appuser/ USER appuser RUN mkdir /home/appuser/logs WORKDIR /home/appuser/ ENV PATH="${PATH}:/home/appuser/.local/bin"
1.7.3. Dockerfile docker build ARG ENV
$ENV_VARIABLE available in current shell
1.8. Aprender docker learn
1.9. Rootless containers
User and group ID mappings: uid_map and gid_map The uid_map file exposes the mapping of user IDs from the user namespace of the process pid to the user namespace of the process that opened uid_map (but see a qualification to this point below). In other words, processes that are in different user namespaces will potentially see different values when reading from a particular uid_map file, depending on the user ID mappings for the user namespaces of the reading processes. Each line in the uid_map file specifies a 1-to-1 mapping of a range of contiguous user IDs between two user namespaces. (When a user namespace is first created, this file is empty.) The specification in each line takes the form of three numbers delimited by white space. The first two numbers specify the starting user ID in each of the two user namespaces. The third number specifies the length of the mapped range. In detail, the fields are interpreted as follows: (1) The start of the range of user IDs in the user namespace of the process pid. (2) The start of the range of user IDs to which the user IDs specified by field one map. How field two is interpreted depends on whether the process that opened uid_map and the process pid are in the same user namespace, as follows: a) If the two processes are in different user namespaces: field two is the start of a range of user IDs in the user namespace of the process that opened uid_map. b) If the two processes are in the same user namespace: field two is the start of the range of user IDs in the parent user namespace of the process pid. This case enables the opener of uid_map (the common case here is opening /proc/self/uid_map) to see the mapping of user IDs into the user namespace of the process that created this user namespace. (3) The length of the range of user IDs that is mapped between the two user namespaces. System calls that return user IDs (group IDs)—for example, getuid(2), getgid(2), and the credential fields in the structure returned by stat(2)—return the user ID (group ID) mapped into the caller's user namespace. When a process accesses a file, its user and group IDs are mapped into the initial user namespace for the purpose of permission checking and assigning IDs when creating a file. When a process retrieves file user and group IDs via stat(2), the IDs are mapped in the opposite direction, to produce values relative to the process user and group ID mappings. The initial user namespace has no parent namespace, but, for consistency, the kernel provides dummy user and group ID mapping files for this namespace. Looking at the uid_map file (gid_map is the same) from a shell in the initial namespace shows: $ cat /proc/$$/uid_map 0 0 4294967295 This mapping tells us that the range starting at user ID 0 in this namespace maps to a range starting at 0 in the (nonexistent) parent namespace, and the length of the range is the largest 32-bit unsigned integer. This leaves 4294967295 (the 32-bit signed -1 value) unmapped. This is deliberate: (uid_t) -1 is used in several interfaces (e.g., setreuid(2)) as a way to specify "no user ID". Leaving (uid_t) -1 unmapped and unusable guarantees that there will be no confusion when using these interfaces.
1.10. docker login
1.10.1. Autenticarse en los registros de docker para las distintas nubes
gcloud auth configure-docker # Esto hay que ejecutarlo en cada proyecto
Azure no tiene credential helper:
1.11. docker catalog listing
curl -X GET -u 'user:password' curl -X GET -u 'user:password'
1.12. Development containers
1.13. docker python python
1.13.1. A deep dive into the official Docker image for Python
- slim, no tiene compiladores
- instala en /usr/local, no hace falta instalarlo con apt-get
- al mantener la instalación y la desinstalación de los compiladores en un mismo RUN, no se guarda en ninguna capa el compilador lo que ahorra mucho espacio
1.13.2. Minimal docker containers for python
Using Alpine can make Python Docker builds 50× slower
- Alpine tiene su propia libreria de C, ulibc en vez de glibc
- paquetes con dependencias binarias (numpy, pandas, matplotlib) tienen que recompilar todo porque las wheels de PyPI están para glibc
1.13.3. docker alpine con pandas
Docker alpine no tiene pandas en los repos así que hay que compilarlo al instalarlo
Hay imágenes de docker que traen ya preinstalado pandas:
1.13.4. How to write a great Dockerfile for Python applications: 6 things you can do to really improve your Dockerfiles
1.13.5. Docker python example
FROM python:3.10.12-slim-bookworm RUN --mount=type=cache,target=/var/cache/apt apt-get update && apt-get install -y curl dos2unix gcc --no-install-recommends RUN groupadd -r appuser && useradd -r -g appuser -G audio,video appuser COPY --chown=appuser:appuser . /home/appuser/ COPY --chown=appuser:appuser ./requirements.txt . # RUN --mount=type=cache,target=/root/.cache pip install -r requirements.txt --no-cache-dir USER appuser RUN --mount=type=cache,target=/home/appuser/.cache pip install -r requirements.txt --no-cache-dir RUN mkdir /home/appuser/logs WORKDIR /home/appuser/ ENV PATH="${PATH}:/home/appuser/.local/bin" RUN dos2unix ENTRYPOINT ["sh", ""]
1.14. docker alternatives
1.14.1. podman is not ready yet (Feb 2021)
1.14.2. You Don’t Have to Use Docker Anymore (Alternative Runtimes and Container Libs)
Alternatives to Docker/Kubernetes
Runtimes, Container Libraries
1.14.3. podman docker-compose → kubernetes
Use Podman 3.0 to convert Docker Compose YAML to a format Podman recognizes.
Docker-compatible CLI for containerd, with support for Compose, Rootless, eStargz, OCIcrypt, IPFS, …
1.14.8. Docker vs Moby
1.14.9. Unikernels (container replacement)
1.14.10. Docker for different languages
1.15. Docker on web assembly
1.16. Streamline your Docker builds with Pants
TL;DR Pants makes it easy and efficient to incrementally build and deploy multiple Docker images from a single repo, with a single command. Each image can consist of a shared base image plus a single PEX (Python EXecutable) file containing all the code, resources and dependencies required by the entry point. Pants knows exactly which images need to be rebuilt and redeployed given a set of Git changes.