Narrative Psychology

Table of Contents

1. Narrative Psychology

1.1. Wikipedia

Narrative psychology is a perspective within psychology concerned with the “storied nature of human conduct”, that is, how human beings deal with experience by observing stories and listening to the stories of others. Operating under the assumption that human activity and experience are filled with “meaning” and stories, rather than logical arguments or lawful formulations, narrative psychology is the study of how human beings construct stories to deal with experiences.

1.3. Las historias comprimen información temporal

Las historias son el método (humano) de comprimir la información de los eventos temporales.
Asignan intencionalidad, “mundo interior”, propósito, a unos agentes, para inferir su comportamiento en base a reglas heurísticas que definen dichos agentes.
Sin embargo en las historias no se busca siempre comprimir la información, sino que a veces se busca provocar/transmitir emociones:
Cualquier historia puede resumirse en 4 palabra, y resultar insoportablemente aburrida al hacerlo

Author: Julian Lopez Carballal

Created: 2024-10-21 Mon 08:30