Table of Contents
- 1. documentation
- 1.1. “What nobody tells you about documentation”
- 1.2. 2. Journey to Documentation as Code — The Hitchhiker’s Guide to PlantUML documentation
- 1.3. Writing system software: code comments. - <antirez>
- 1.4. Semi-Literate Programming - The Trane Book
- 1.5. The C4 Model for Software Architecture
- 1.6. Documentation for Bureaucracy
1. documentation
1.1. “What nobody tells you about documentation”
Tutorials | How-to guides |
Explanation | Reference |
Maybe a fifth value right in the middle, should be “purpose”. Why are we doing this? What are we trying to achieve? What does that piece of software does, what problem it solves, at a very high level?
I think it’s missing from Django for example which uses this model. For example Django queries are notoriously difficult if you know SQL before learning them and I find this guides more enlightening
- This is maybe what I’m looking for? Models | Django documentation | Django
- NumPy also uses it and it’s documentation seems to me more clear:
1.1.1. Image