
Table of Contents

1. gamification

1.1. Avoid cringe

1.2. (creative) examples

  • vim is the gamification of text editing
  • test automation is the gamification of (manual) testing
  • bash is the gamification of text stream processing, like building things with LEGO

1.2.1. Use How I Make Boring Work More Fun video to test these examples   someday_20230330

1.3. How I Make Boring Work More Fun - Ali Abdaal

  1. Finding meaning in what you do (Epic Meaning & Calling)
  2. Translate your work into accomplishments (Development & Accomplishment)
    Leveling up, that music and glitter. Writers track word count in a progress bar in a progress bar. Making a Todo list and ticking things off
  3. Find creative ways to go about it (Empowerment of Creativity & Feedback)
    Creativity → finding multiple ways to solve the same problem
    Pay attention to something related to the task
  4. Shorten the feedback loops
    Procastination often stems from long term payoff than don’t have an immediate reward
    If you have a distant exam, test yourself each week and play with yourself
  5. Ownership & Possesion
    Take ownership of your outcome, process and beliefs
    1. Outcome: what you’re doing
      Sometimes taking more responsibility makes the task more fun because you have more autonomy
    2. Process: how you’re doing what you’re told to do
      Get creative in the process, find out which feedback loops can be shortened
    3. Beliefs/Mindset
      How you feel about they told you to do (what and how)
      You “get to” instead of “have to” do something ( Atomic Habits on page 110 )
  6. Social Influence & Relatedness
    We find things more fun if things in our social group are also doing it
    Group studying using pomodoro, online communities of group studying/working
  7. scarcity (make what you do about getting that little ’something’ you really want)
    «If can be external scarcity (this thing is scarce and you can do nathing about it) or internal scarcity (you limit yourself)»
    Limitations breed creativity
    • time (you have only 1h to do X)
    • space (1 page limit)
    • money (it cannot cost more than X)
    • energy (usually external)
    • support (usually external)
    • context (use only what you have “at hand”)
  8. unpredictability and curiosity
    Variable rewards are more adictive than fixed rewards
    What will happen if…?
  9. use fear of loss to achieve goals

1.3.1. Variable rewards are more adictive than fixed rewards

1.4. I Increased My Productivity 10x - By Turning My Life Into a Game - YouTube

  1. Set your ultimate goal. Break it into smaller targets and focus on these from then onwards
    1. Don’t be afraid to spend time in side quests. Journey before destination
  2. Write down your achievements and think of these as level ups
  3. Find a reward that rewards you back
  4. Make slight variations within your routine to keep it interesting
  5. Start at level 1 and gradually increase the difficulty

1.5. Yak Shaving can be a form of gamification

1.6. How to Turn Your Life Into a Video Game   process try

Concrete Apps to try, also Habitica tuned to ADHD

Author: Julian Lopez Carballal

Created: 2024-10-21 Mon 10:14