
Table of Contents

1. orgzly-android

1.1. Android Architecture Components

1.3. Sourcetrail

/usr/local/android-studio/jre/jre/lib/amd64/server/ → preferences

1.4. Android Studio Setup

# You have to accept licenses manaually
cd ~/Android/Sdk/tools/bin/
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/android-studio/jre/jre
./sdkmanager --licenses

1.5. gradle cache

Sometimes the build fails
rm .gradle/x.y.z in the repo
Also rm ~/.gradle
Files>Invalidate cache and restart

1.6. build fails mergning with master

I had a build working with configurable-file-root, so I know it should work
git revert 7c6b75f6 worked (?)

1.7. Configurable root orgzly

Idealmente, interpertar ~ como /storage/emulated/0 porque los links relativos no van a funcionar si estoy en una subcarpeta (en org/roam es ../../Documents), si no tomar convenio de que estará en
Si hago todos los links por id en vez de por file, entonces no haría falta reemplazar nada (sólo reemplazar los links file: → id:) porque los links a los org funcionarían siempre
Si hago que todo sea un recurso, entonces puedo aplanar la estructura y esto ya no hace falta

1.8. Test org-protocol links / build something with them


private const val ORG_PROTOCOL = "org-protocol"

private const val ORG_ID_GOTO = "org-id-goto"
private const val ORG_SEARCH = "org-search"
private const val ORGZLY_SEARCH = "orgzly-search"

private const val ID_PARAM = "id"
private const val Q_PARAM = "q"

1.9. Resolve orgzly merge conflicts for 1.8.6   project hold_20230330

NoteViewModelFactory has packed its arguments

bookId, noteId, place, title, content → initialData: NoteInitialData
bookId, noteId, place, title, content, attachmentUri → initialData: NoteInitialData


1.10. Add “publicly-accessible” receive   project try someday_20230330
Exposes a lot of internal intents, which means a lot of (potential) automation
Useful to automate stuff with Android Auto

1.11. DONE review org-attachment PR

First option (link)
file: does not work with all files, for example ogg voicenote, pdf, apk
the second option
works ok, however i would like a file: link which also copies
the third option
does not copy correctly the file, there is a mismatch between path and link
(no term)
include screencast using scrcpy

1.12. DONE Review org-attachment changes

  • [ ] by allowing any kind of file type for the link method.
  • [ ] For the second option, “file:” link prefix should have been used instead of “attachment:” link prefix. Also added the surrounding brackets which fixed for spaces in filenames.
  • [ ] This path translation is actually expected of the org-attach behavior

1.13. DONE Launch activity when termux is closed on Android 10

Using Termux:Float works sometimes
I still get manual sync notifications, doesn’t work when the phone is locked
Then syncs wouldn’t have to be manual

1.13.1. DONE TermuxAm issue to open activity when termux is closed

1.13.2. CANCELLED Rootear el teléfono

1.13.3. DONE Otras soluciones menos drásticas

  • Draw over other apps
    Parece ser que marcando esta para termux, ya puede disparar notificaciones desde atrás
  • Notification Access
  • Accessibility Access
  • Device Admin

Author: Julian Lopez Carballal

Created: 2024-11-06 mié 12:53