Personal CRM

Table of Contents

1. Personal CRM

Like a CRM but for personal relationships instead of proffesional ones

1.2. CRM (Customer Relationship Manager)

(Personal Information Management is like PKM but more CRM-oriented)
Usually you use it with professional customers, but you can build a
Personal CRM (that’s the key term to search on Google)
It may be a bad model (see since Professional CRM tend to be too focused on quantity instead of quality
Useful org-contacts

1.2.1. Monica → Personal CRM

  1. Features
    • Love Relationships
    • Family Relationships
    • Other Relationships
    • Pets
    • Contact Information
    • Addresses
    • How you met
    • Work information
    • Food preferences
    • Log conversation
    • Phone calls
      • Last call date
    • Activities
      • Last activity date
    • Reminders
    • Tasks
    • Gifts
    • Debts
    • Documents

      • Interaction time length
      • Rating at completion
    • My features
      • Ideas for planned activities → Planned activities → Activities (pipeline)
      • Stuff to share
      • Food allergies

1.2.3. Take notes when you meet your friends ( the process is for
personal meetings with friends where we discuss ideas we’re interested in)

1.3. We’re Doing Contact Info Wrong

Author: Julian Lopez Carballal

Created: 2021-09-07 Tue 20:07