time management

Table of Contents

1. time management

1.1. How I Manage My Time - 10 Time Management Tips

1.1.1. We own all of our time

At any given moment you are doing what you most want to be doing

Your own time is entirely without your control
Instead of “I dont’t have time to do X”, you actively choose to do Y instead of X

1.1.2. Hell Yeah or No (Book)

Say yes to most of your days when you are young, then operate with a “Hell yeah” attitude.
Your default position is NO. If you doubt wheteher is important, then it is not

1.1.3. The Daily Highlight from Make Time (Book)

Every day decide one thing will be your highight of the day, the only thing you need to have done
Avoids drowning on your ToDo list

1.1.4. Use a ToDo list

Physical ToDo list, crossing out with physical pen feels nice

1.1.5. Time blocking

Put a block for it on your calendar (daily highlight is a good thing to always schedule)

1.1.7. Protected Time

For example, keep your mornings free if you are more productive in the morning

1.1.8. Delegation

How much does your time costs? Delegate stuff cheaper than that

1.1.9. Automate scheduling

https://calendly.com/ → coordinate with people on different timezones

1.1.10. The choice to be satisfied

It’s very easy to feel chronically disatisfied. It’s your choice to feel good with that you’ve done. It doesn’t change how much work you done, it only makes you feel bad. Therefore, you can choose to feel good about it

1.2. A New Way to Schedule Your Work Week

1.3. How I Routinely Study With a Full Time Job when I’m TIRED

Time management is really focus management or attention management
Your focus is not spread equally on every minute, it depends on what you’ve done after and before

1.4. Sorted³ – Hyper-Scheduling

Hyper-scheduling is a foundational approach to add more focus to your day and minimize stress. The concept is simple: You have the flexibility to seamlessly adjust your plan as a team meeting goes over, or running an errand takes longer! Sorted³ empowers you to narrow down your focus to what you can get done at any given moment.

Reschedule all if X takes longer than you planned, dynamic planning
Some things have hard deadlines, should be fixed

1.4.2. Introduction to Above & Beyond (Dynamic Scheduling)

Author: Julian Lopez Carballal

Created: 2024-10-21 Mon 10:13