My Notetaking System

Table of Contents

1. My Notetaking System

1.1. Objective of Having a Second Brain

Spend quality time with great ideas while creating your digital garden

1.2. Caveats of Having a Second Brain

It can be a way to escape: to pretend you can learn X skipping the slow process and hard work of understanding something in depth, practicing and gaining experience, just by collecting random thoughts from the internet that you come across each day

1.2.1. Collector’s Fallacy Fighting Infomania: Why 80% of Your Reading is a Waste of Time - Nat Eliason
  1. Just in Time vs Just in Case

    While Detroit and other car companies would pump out cars “just in case” they were purchased, Toyota would make them “just in time” for their orders. This saved them millions of dollars by minimizing unused inventory, and the cost savings allowed them to speed up their manufacturing process significantly with new technology.
    You should approach tactical knowledge the same way.
    Sidebar: There’s an important distinction here between tactical knowledge (e.g. how to do search engine optimization), and philosophical knowledge (e.g. understanding our tendency towards biased thinking). The first, tactical knowledge, is what we’re concerned with overdosing on.

  2. Where We Make “Just In Case” Mistakes in the Real World

    Conventional wisdom says that you should follow what people in your industry are talking about tactics-wise, but it’s just noise. You should have the strategy and tactics that you’re working on, and then you should execute on them. Constantly listening to and checking what other people are doing doesn’t help you stay focused–it just makes you question yourself.
    The exception to this is if you can find a site that publishes articles very infrequently but where they are very high quality (for example, Backlinko for SEO).

  3. The Problem of Frequency

    As a general rule, the more frequently a site publishes about tactics (marketing, personal finance, weight loss, etc.) the less you shold listen to it
    No topic is sufficiently complex that you need new information on executing on it every day

  4. The Problem of Recency

    We tend towards neomania: overly focusing on the new and shiny, when new and shiny things tend to be the quickest to go and the least likely to be valuable.
    A safer bet is to see what content has stood the test of time, following the Lindy Rule

  5. Why We Do It
    1. Habit
      We carry that “just in case” habit with us from school, and feel like we’re not doing our job if we’re not front-loading knowledge.
      Just because we were taught that way doesn’t mean it’s the best way, it’s simply the way things have always been done.
    2. History
      Prior to 20 years ago, you wanted to err on the side of just in case knowledge since getting new information was so difficult.
      That’s not the case anymore with Internet and Search Engines
    3. Fauxductivity
      doing it makes us feel like we’re being productive when we’re really just slacking off, a phenomenon I’m going to call “Fauxductivity.”
      Any time you’re doing something that feels productive but doesn’t directly impact your most important goal, you’re being fauxductive. That includes bingeing on just in case knowledge, as well as checking email, reading the news, trying productivity tools, organizing your desktop, etc.
  6. 1 Rule to Fight Infomania

    Here’s your new rule for information, especially blogs and popular non-fiction books:
    If it doesn’t answer a specific question you’re currently asking, cover philosophical knowledge, or entertain you, then don’t read it.


    I think this is a shallow article.
    First, just in time manufacturing has the noted weakness of having no slack or resilience in the system. This is part of why we experienced supply chain disruption during the pandemic.
    Second, it is assuming that knowledge that’s not being ’used’ right now in production environment is useless.
    For example, the way people avoid scam and snake-oil medicine is not by directly knowing every single piece of science but having a broad knowledge enough of the world to know that it’s probably scammy. I don’t need to know much about virology to understand that drinking bleach is probably a bad idea for fighting viral infection.
    Third, most of what he’s going to read is probably not real knowledge, or difficult to obtain unless experienced or acquired directly. Some things you can only learn via doing. Some things you can only learn through systemized research. How many of these books about entrepeneurship only apply to their specific situation, or specific context? How many are simply scam?
    What I think is helpful, however, is to cultivate curiosity about the world, in all things that you can. It’s probably helpful to your career if you focus your curiosity on specific things you need to do, but that’s not the only thing worth learning. I think I want to focus on things that make me a better engineer and build a successful business, so maybe 60-70% for that, and the rest for play and passion and just love of learning. Zettelkasten Example #1: The Collector’s Fallacy : Zettelkasten

Article Link:

  • I collect things mainly because of loss aversion I don’t want to potentially lose some knowledge I find meaningful
  • merging content, information, ideas, and thoughts and processing it is what integrates knowledge into our brain connecting ideas is powerful
  • bookmarking is great for navigation when you want to revisit something but is NOT good for learning photocopying items doesn’t help with learning
  • I don’t really get the reward like these doves. For me it’s just an unnecessary step.
  • I don’t think reading is pointless without note taking. It still helps us but the portion of information we absorb is a lot less.
  • first step to conquering collectors fallacy is to realize that collecting notes does not increase knowledge
  • brain is better with small cycles of info Books won’t save us - Alice Cappelle

Books can give you the motivation to do something, but ultimately you have to do that thing

1.2.2. Remember Everything You Learn/Read How To Remember Everything You Learn - YouTube
You don’t remember what you just read/watch/listen to, even if it’s only what resonates and what could be useful
It happens when I finish chapters of books, episodes of television, movies, podcasts, articles… you name it.
You feel like you know something without actually knowing it.

  1. You tricked yourself into thinking you are competent.
    1. Seeing information in front of you such as reading a book doesn’t mean you know it.
    2. Seeing or hearing someone come to a conclusion doesn’t mean you know how to get to that conclusion or explain their argument.
    3. Searching for something on Google gives you the illusion that the information is in your brain.
    4. Spending lots of time with material doesn’t mean you know it.
  2. People become a human Spotify playlist

    The packaging of intellectual positions and views is a booming business.
    Viewers and listeners get hit with persuasive audiovisuals, professional rhetoric, and carefully selected data.
    It all amounts to a nice little package for the viewer to make up their own mind with little difficulty, except the packaging is often done so effectively that the viewer, listener, or reader doesn’t make up their own mind at all.
    Instead, people become no better than a human Spotify playlist that spits out other people’s neatly wrapped opinions without actually understanding any of it.

  3. Understand the other side better than themselves   quote

    “I never allow myself to have an opinion on anything that I don’t know the other side’s argument better than they do.”

  4. Memory

    There’s two main parts: short-term and long-term.
    In recent years, we’ve discovered that long-term memory is the seat of understanding: It stores not just facts but complex concepts or schemas.
    Working memory is a bottleneck to carry information from input to long term memory
    if we don’t grapple with the ideas in our working memory for an extended period of time, they never get sent to the long-term memory.
    Multitasking, distractions and information overload keep the gate closed

    1. Schemas are precursors to knowledge   quote

      “By organizing scattered bits of information into patterns of knowledge, schemas give depth and richness to our thinking…
      Understanding and intelligence is derived largely from the schemas we have acquired over long periods of time.”

    2. Overloading our working memory   quote

      “As we reach the limits of our working memory, it becomes harder to distinguish relevant information from irrelevant information, signal from noise.
      We become mindless consumers of data.”

  5. How to remember once you’re focused
    1. Recall
      After you’ve read or watched any material, simply look away and see what you can recall from the material you’ve just taken in.
      spending as little as 30 seconds after finishing a chapter or video and recalling its key points vastly improves your understanding of a topic and commitment of it to long-term memory.
    2. Feynman Technique
      It’s probably the best if you want to understand something but it’s also the most work-intensive.
      1. Take something you wanna understand.
      2. Write out an explanation as if you were teaching it to someone who didn’t understand the subject.
      3. Whenever you get stuck, go back to the material and relearn.
        Eventually, you’ll fill in the gaps in your knowledge until you can write an explanation without needing the source material.
      4. Finally, attempt to simplify your explanation, getting rid of technical terms and convoluted language.
        Simplify it to the point that a kid could get what you’re saying.
        To do this, Feynman recommended the use of analogies.
        Analogies connect complex ideas to something more relatable, making it easier to understand.
    3. Spaced Repetition
  6. Final thoughts   quote

    spend more time thinking about one important thing at a time instead of trying to absorb as much information as possible only to forget most of it.

    “Our job is to find a few intelligent things to do, not keep up with every damn thing in the world.”
    Charlie Munger

    It’s a call to increase the quality of the information you receive rather than the quantity and to spend more time with it.

    “The internet plays to our natural tendency to vastly overvalue what happens to us right now.”
    Christopher Chabris

    1. Intellectual Humility

      To recognize the limits of your knowledge and to appreciate others’ intellectual strengths is one of the best things a person can do.
      It’s not only where learning happens but it’s also where disagreements become more constructive. How to optimize note-taking for retention : PKMS

But thanks to content overload from the internet, we’re constantly bombarded with new information from various sources. It’s difficult for us to retain knowledge when we’re constantly acquiring new knowledge. The solution to this problem is simple—regularly review past concepts.

I don’t think the solution is as simple as “regularly review past concepts”. Reviewing useless information is a waste of time, so we first need to develop skills of discernment to evaluate and be more selective of what information to turn into knowledge.
Front-End Discernment or “reducing the input”
Fighting Infomania: Why 80% of Your Reading is a Waste of Time argues that most of what we read is of low quality, yet we’ve acquired a habit of hoarding information as “just in case” knowledge, when this information can easily be looked up “just in time” as-needed. “If it doesn’t answer a specific question you’re currently asking, cover philosophical knowledge, or entertain you, then don’t read it.”
Back-End Discernment or “pruning the irrelevant”
Further, as you’re reading a longer body of text, it’s often difficult to know what knowledge/concepts are relevant/important/worth while. You likely need to actively create separate, atomic, concept notes and link these concepts together and with existing knowledge while working through a text.
At the end, you can visualize the relationships and potentially delete disjointed islands of knowledge that didn’t prove relevant.

1.3. Sources to be combined

GOAL: Combine [[id:d5dbbd35-17a8-4cca-a508-dc2c26ed0809][BASB]], [[id:2e3e8ee1-ebac-4ee9-972f-88117e11edb2][Smart Notes]], [[id:3091bb27-3c72-464e-9c47-f1253c8b1074][The Artist Way]]

1.3.2. Zettelkasten


1.3.4. Apply Progressive Summarization to your own Morning Pages

(surely there will be a lot of noise there, but also a few original, inspiring and witty thoughts) What to write? I have
Morning Pages with some prompts to do some writing in the morning, daily mantras
with quotes .o.remind myself each day, attributes for habit tracking, a lookback
to my dai.y note from 1 week ago, 4 weeks ago, 12 weeks ago, and 1 year ago,
then I plop .nything there that I might stage for later in my writing inbox (Shu
Omi has some videos about this), meeting notes, etc. Morning Pages as meditation

Meditate and take a recorder so that you record by audio

1.3.5. How much to share? Almost everything!

Hi! I’m Andy Matuschak. You’ve stumbled upon my working notes. They’re kind of strange, so some context might help.

These notes are mostly written for myself: they’re roughly my thinking environment (Evergreen notes; My morning writing practice). But I’m sharing them publicly as an experiment (Work with the garage door up). If a note seems confusing or under-explained, it’s probably because I didn’t write it for you! Sorry—that’s sort of an essential tension of this experiment (Write notes for yourself by default, disregarding audience).

For now, there’s no index or navigational aids: you’ll need to follow a link to some starting point. You might be interested in §What’s top of mind.

  1. Work with the garage door up

    One of my favorite ways that creative people communicate is by “working with their garage door up,” to riff on a passage from Robin Sloan (below). This is the opposite of the Twitter account which mostly posts announcements of finished work: it’s Screenshot Saturday; it’s giving a lecture about the problems you’re pondering in the shower; it’s thinking out loud about the ways in which your project doesn’t work at all. It’s so much of Twitch. I want to see the process. I want to see you trim the artichoke. I want to see you choose the color palette. Anti-marketing.
    I love this kind of communication personally, but I suspect it also creates more invested, interesting followings over the long term. That effect’s probably related to Working on niche, personally-meaningful projects brings weirder, more serendipitous inbounds. It’s also a way to avoid the problems described in Pitching out corrupts within.

  2. Write notes for yourself by default, disregarding audience

1.3.7. GTD to manage tasks

1.3.9. Free Play Everything is art (or rather creative)

Any action can be practiced as an art, as a craft, or as drudgery.

“We have no art. Everything we do is art.” We can lead an active life in the world without being entangled in scripts or rigid expectations: doing without being too attached to the outcome, because the doing is its own outcome.

It is well known that one can jump-start the creative process by automatic writing, just letting words floow without censoring them or judging them. Work and play is not one, things are now uglier because we are in a hurry


1.3.11. Another systems PARA, Getting Things Done, OKRs and Pillars-Pipelines-Vaults

  1. Goals, Projects, and Tasks
  2. Habits & Routines
  3. Personal Knowledge Management PKM

— I add

  1. Self Authoring PPV Bullet Journal
Closely related to org-mode, you define a list of types of bullets (TODOs, scheduled, etc, whatever you want) Karli Coss is doing exactly the same!

Integrated Android+emacs+ripgrep

1.3.12. Process BASB

1.3.13. Process PARA

1.3.14. Process PPV

1.3.15. Lab Notebooks | Sam Bleckley

In a meeting, writing in a notebook is socially more graceful than typing on a laptop. On a laptop, you might be answering email, or on facebook, or backchannel-chatting.
A paper notebook is a way of signalling you’re present and listening.

1.3.16. Think Stack Club: Ramses from logseq

1.3.17. Metacognition How to use Roam Research: a tool for metacognition

1.3.18. Personal CRM

1.3.19. Logseq and the Rise of the Integrated Thinking Environment

As a metaphor to IDEs, ITEs are the IDEs of the knowledge workers

1.3.20. Permacultura

1.3.21. Journaling

1.3.22. Science of GTD

1.3.23. Process Wikinizer Wikinizer Wikinizer   project process someday_20230330

1.3.24. Resource-Event-Agent business model

Related to constructor theory? REA, a semantic model for Internet supply chain collaboration

1.3.25. WorldBrain

Bookmarking for power users
Annotate, organize and share what you find online.

1.3.26. Nick Milo: The Joy of Thinking and the Rise of the Note Maker - YouTube

We tend to over-collecting + over-highlighting and under-thinking, when the value is greater thinking than collecting/highlighting
You can create intermediate packets, and slow burn your contents
Ideas are created bottom-up instead of top-down like project management
you have this pretty massive forest → zettelkasten alone can feel a little claustrophobic → create a higher order note
«one of the principles of Smart Notes when Adding Permanent Notes is ensuring it can be found from the index, this doesn’t make much sense»
«Also the Zettelkasten has only one area/project (more accurately Pillar in PPV), namely scholar research, so a whole PKM is going to be laking if used as such» What is PKM? What is Personal Knowledge Management? - YouTube
Personal knowledge management is really about the process of making sense of the world.

  1. PKM Planet

    The PKM Planet allows us to see where and think about how we are spending our time in the world of knowledge management

    It’s like a cyclic pipeline, usually starting by PMM, driven by our goals in PPM

    • PMM
      “Memory Management”: collecting knowledge using & developing memory
    • PIM
      “Idea Management”: sense-making, connecting & developing ideas
    • PWM
      “Writing Management”: writing, packaging & sharing content
    • PPM
      “Productivity Management”: understanding, developing & advancing projects & goals
    • PSM
      “Skill Management”: improving & developing skills & abilities, habits
    • PRM
      “Relationship Management”: understanding, developing & maintaning relationships
  2. PKM Archetypes
    • Content Regurgitation: you start with a goal (PPM) so you collect (PMM) a lot of things and then share them with little thoguth (straight to PWM, avoiding PIM sense-making). This is driven by Fear Of Missing Out (FOMO)

1.3.27. Personal Knowledge Graphs

  • Advantage 1: Quickly Organize Thoughts
  • Advantage 2: Lowers Your Cognitive Load
  • Advantage 3: Promotes Non-linear Thinking
  • Advantage 4: Long-term Persistence
  • Advantage 5: Breaks Writers’ Block
    The metaphor is to plant your “Digital Garden of Ideas” and let them grow naturally.
  • Challenges with PKG Tools
    trying to share sub-sections of my PKG with others and publishing subgraph layouts on microsites (also share as a subgraph)
    Vertex-level Role-based Access Control
  • Legal Question: Who Owns Your PKG?

1.3.29. Notion Setup & Workflow with GTD, PARA, Sprints, Checklist Manifesto, and more.: Notion (roles: Entrepeneur, Technician, Manager)

  • Creates roles
    • The technician (focused on present)
    • The manager (focused on past)
    • The entrepeneur (focused on future)

Like The Matrix of Self-Management


(focus on future)  
Technician Manager
(focus on present) (focus on past)


1.3.30. This Journal Keeps Me Productive (and Maybe You Too) - Paper based Partial Habits Journal
Partial habits: puedes completar un hábito con el mínimo posible, a la mitad, o un poco más

1.3.31. Reboots of known organizational systems My GTD reboot, part 1: Rethinking the system — Robert Talbert, Ph.D.

  1. I had built a great system for organizing my data about actions to take so that I can search and slice through those data any time, any place to find the right set of actions to consider. But knowing what to do is one thing and doing them is another.
  2. I’m struggling with GTD because how I’m using it is not simple enough
  3. what makes GTD so useful and so successful is that it has very little in the way of “rules” and the expectation is that people will remix and adapt the general idea of GTD to fit their situations — and that this will evolve over time with the person. Building a Second Brain Revisited: Week I | by Lynn E. O’Connor, PhD | The Innovation | Medium

Tiago gets under your skin. I don’t know how I can claim that a productivity system is erotic, but BASB is a turn on.

Tiago teaching his system of personal knowledge management is downright sexy. It’s internal high drama, you want more, and then more.

1.3.35. Introduction | Plaintext Productivity Tasks
  • Why Todo.txt?
    Fast, Flexible, Available (Cross-platform, 100% uptime), Dependable (software must be stable)
    Freedom of workflow/philosophy
    No vendor lock-in
    Text file forces simplicity → more focus on the actual tasks
    Ubiquity of text editors
    You own your to-do list (backup, sync, version, archive, delete, still readable 10 years from now)
    Small files means working with them is fast
    Greater community
  • How I Organize My Todo.txt File
    Projects, Priorities and Contexts (~tags)
    1. Rule #0: My to-do list is only going to contain tasks I plan to do in the near future.
    2. Rule #1: All my tasks are tagged with a project.
    3. Rule #2: Use only the top few priorities, A-D, and make them mean something specific and time-based.
      1. The task I am working on now. My current or next action. Ideally, I will always have only one task in category A. Why do I bother with this? I get interrupted at work and have to return to what I was working on, sometimes minutes or hours later. Having my current action split out and at the top of my to-do list helps me get back on track more quickly.
      2. Tasks that I plan to do today.
      3. Tasks that I plan to do this week.
      4. Tasks reserved for next week. I tend to use this category only on Fridays, and even then almost never use it.
      5. E-Z: I don’t use them at all. All my other tasks are uncategorized. Uncategorized tasks are typically new or low-priority tasks. I prioritize them before working on them.
    4. Rule #3: I don’t need contexts at work so I only rarely use them.
    5. Rule #4: Don’t use due dates unless absolutely necessary.
  • Due Dates and Todo.txt
    • Why does the Todo.txt spec not contain due dates?
      Todo.txt emphasizes priorities over due dates. When a task is due matters, but when you are going to do it matters a lot more.
    • Don’t cram the whole future into your task list

      • Things that are due more than a couple days out are:
        • often too far in the future to worry about today
        • projects, not tasks
        • should probably be written down in calendar entries, notes, or lists and project plans outside of Todo.txt

      If you cram the whole known future into your Todo.txt file, all those future items will just get in your way when trying to figure out your next action.
      Everything on your to-do list should be done as soon as possible

    • Lots of overdue tasks are demotivating
  • Accountability: Todo.txt and Done.txt
    • Archiving tasks
      Archiving tasks is useful because it gets your completed to-do items out of your way, which keeps your todo.txt file small, clean, and full of only relevant items
      If you archive regularly, your done.txt file is going to be a file full of lines like those, all with a date and tagged with whatever projects, contexts, or what have you that you recorded in todo.txt. It is a dated, easily searchable log of all your recorded activities. You never have to lose track of the old stuff when you make room for the new stuff
    • Having an archive allows you to prove accountability
      Having a searchable, dated record of everything I’ve done allows me to prove my accountability at work, which is important to me because I bill my time to various clients on various projects, and everybody wants to justify their consulting expenses from time to time.
      It provides great comfort to know that I can tell my clients exactly when I completed a deliverable, or exactly what I was working on in a given period or on a given day. Hardly anyone can do that, and, eventually, I’ll be able to do that for tasks further back than just about anyone on my team . Notes and Drafts
  • Why PlainText For Notes?
    Writing in plaintext focuses you on content and structure, and frees your mind from formatting decisions.
    • My offline brain
      I use my computer as my “offline brain”; it is my long-term memory, and sometimes my short-term memory as well

      • Text notes provide are the sweet spot between overorganization and chaos

      The problem with notes is that, if you don’t organize them, they end up a jumbled mess in which you can’t find anything. If you do organize them, you may spend too much time dragging and dropping them into folders, or put yourself in time-wasting situations where you don’t know how to classify a note. In the end, a simple, consistent system works best, provided you have full-text searching to use along with it.

    • Why plaintext?
      The short answer: I am not a visual thinker, and I can type really fast.
      The long answer: Plaintext is flexible, fully searchable, allows you to use nice text editors and other tools, and doesn’t require you to give up as much as you might think.
      • Reasons to use plaintext for notes
        • Speed
          • I can type fast (vs. handwriting).
          • The entire writing process is often keyboard-centric (and therefore fast) rather than requiring frequent mousing (which is slower).
          • No fancy graphics, animations, or controls are necessary to write plaintext.
        • Simplicity
          • Plaintext forces you to separate formatting from content, which allows you to focus better on the content.
          • I can write using the most readable and pleasing fonts on my screen, regardless of what the final document is going to look like.
          • It avoids the copy-paste-reformat problems in Word and rich-text editors.
          • You can use Markdown syntax (or any other, or none) to structure your content and indicate simple formatting.
        • Flexibility
          • Plaintext is easily searchable by just about any software on the planet.
          • Plaintext is easily synced across devices, via Dropbox or other services.
          • There is no proprietary format lock-in. You will always be able to open your files, even years later.
          • Plaintext can be accessed online or offline.
          • It can be read and written to cross-platform. You may not need to worry about Linux
          • You have a wide choice of text editors, some of which are geared expressly toward writers.
          • Version control (revision history) of plaintext files, and extracting the differences (diffs) between versions, has been possible almost as long as computers have been around
  • Why Markdown for Drafts?
    • Microsoft Word is the worst offender, in my opinion. My biggest problems with it are as follows:
      It has too many features, and some of those features get in the way of productive writing. It’s implementation of Styles is frustrating; when you paste text from another app into Word, Word tries to preserve its original formatting, which I almost never want to do. Even when I don’t do that.
      Working with lists and multi-level outlines is painful, both due to poor list-numbering logic and poor Styles support. I often can’t get a list to look the way I want it to, and it is even worse if you paste something in from outside of Word into a list.
      It crashes more than it should (which is never, ever, ever). You don’t lose your work most of the time, but the “auto recover” feature makes you feel like you did and makes it confusing as to which version of your file you should keep.
  • Work Journal
    • Why keep a work journal?
      Why should you be any different? Work like a scientist. Write things down.
      It helps you think, it records your course of action, and having those thoughts and actions written down may be useful if a course correction is needed down the line.
      Beyond being a record of activities and intentions, a journal is is also a powerful tool for providing focus. It provides you a safe space to type things out while you start to gather your thoughts about them. Doing so encourages planning, strategizing, and forward thinking. Writing short, simple journal entries each day helps me keep my eyes on the big picture things, and encourages me to add perspective to my activities and to-dos that a task list never could.
    • What is a work journal?
      A work journal is a private, informal way to structure your thoughts and plan for the day, week, or month ahead. I have kept them, on and off, for years
  • Activity Log
    An activity log is a daily or even hourly summary of all your work accomplishments. It is the flip side of a journal. Instead of being forward looking, it is backward looking.
    An activity log can be useful to sum up your work for the day, and to read in the morning (as you are updating your journal) to pick things up where you left them. This summing up is most useful if you don’t keep a task list
  • Standing Lists for GTD or Other Organizational Systems Documents and Files

1.3.36. Plaintext languages

    scripting language for writing interactive narrative, both for text-centric games as well as more graphical games that contain highly branching stories. It’s designed to be easy to learn, but with powerful enough features to allow an advanced level of structuring.

1.3.37. Work Journal

It’s easy to just write in your work journal “every random thing that doesn’t belong to a project or not big enought to deserve its own project”
A work journal should be a log of what you’re doing, why, what for, important events, intuitions/emotions, to generate traceability, a log of yourself
How you prioritize given tasks

1.3.38. Multitasking procastinating / Project Hopping Inspiration vs Distraction by Louis Brandy
Pros of project hopping
Most projects get exactly one burst of effort before permanent abandonment. Some problems though, I find myself coming back to time and again. I view this particular mechanism as healthy. It’s a natural selection of my ideas. May the fittest survive. This is why I don’t really feel guilty for dropping yet-another half-started project and starting something new. If the idea survives a few months off, it’s probably worth keeping. If it doesn’t, so be it. watsky on Twitter

always work on two projects at once. that way you can procrastinate on project A by messing around on project B, and when you get tired of project B you can waste time by working on project A. you will be twice as productive while doing nothing but procrastinate

1.4. Principles

1.4.1. Your notetaking system has to be as simple as possible while also being holistic

There is a tension there. The problem is that the system can be endlessly holistic, so there has to be a limit to it
You cannot use a simple, narrow system that makes immediate sense Everything should be as simple as it can be, but not simpler   quote

Everything should be as simple as it can be, but not simpler

1.4.2. Design your notetaking system for the worst version of yourself

Design an interaction model for the worst version of yourself - the one that’s tired, lazy, unmotivated, frazzled - because that’s the one that usually shows up when you need a solid workflow to fall back on.
Alan Cooper - About Face

Nuestro estándar mínimo lo fija nuestro sistema (We fall to the level of our sistems, James Clear author of Atomic Habits)

1.4.3. Notes are designed to be good at what matters to you instead of what matters to your (monkey) brain

Your brain has bias, but your notes do not (at least in principle, it’s a little more complicated)
Things that matter to you but that your brain is not always interested in and will promptly forget

1.4.4. Scatter your notes arround multiple files, and collect them querying your notebase (sow and reap)

  • Skips overhead of classification

1.4.5. Don’t overconstraint the system

Often times you “feel” like you don’t have to be so strict, and you can take a more relaxed approach to your system. However, be careful that this is not self-destructive behaviors in disguise

1.4.6. Social aspect: you will share your notes with people: Save also introductory resources to share them later

1.4.7. Everyting has to be as Open Source as possible

1.4.8. Everything is a hook(?)   idea

Same as “everything is a file” in UNIX Cybernetic/systems thinking view of human being
information, patterns received from your senses
motor actions (that’s why GTD next action works) Hooks are input (leave a hook) and ouput (triggers an action)


Sometimes hooks are dependencies instead of notifications (check everything that depends on your credit card number when you’re changing it)
Spatial/logical hooks vs temporal hooks (notifications)

……→Action…………. ….→Action…………..
.. .. ……… …..
. ↓ .. ↓
. Write it down Trigger Reflect
. . ↑ ..
. .. .. ….
……Notification … ……….Write it down←……..
retrieval ←…..

1.4.9. Use org-mode/orgzly as an entrypoint

  • Standarization
  • Time tracking in org-mode/orgzly
  • Play piano, read a book, etc all happens inside emacs

1.4.10. Everything is art/creative?

See everything throught the lens of creativity, everything can be approached creatively Creativity in the office is self-imposed time

1.4.11. Explicabilidad de decisiones

Linkar a tu wiki para explicar decisiones y tradeoffs (o si es colaborativo el sitio equivalente. De este documento colaborativo puedes linkar de vuelta a tu wiki si quieres)

  • Tiempo desarrollo vs tiempo de ejecución por ejemplo
  • Apuntar obviedades porque muchas obviedades juntas son conocimiento
  • Architectural Decision Records
  • Esto es lo que se hace en proyectos con mucha burocracia que requieren de mucha documentación, la idea aquí es hacerlo de manera ágil

1.4.12. Wikis are like caches   idea

Jump locations are like caches

Yourself Computer Registers
Working memory L1 Cache
Clipboard L2 Cache
Command history/Bookmarks L3 Cache
org mode files / wiki RAM
The whole internet SDD

Access time vs search time vs size
Also you have to take into acount the volatility of that info. If that info is constantly changing, you can search it on the internet the next time you need it

A cache miss is when you can’t find what you’re looking for because it’s not discoverable enough, or for example when you’re brainstorming (which you shouldn’t be relying on exclusively)

Behaviors that are so common that you practice every day, that are embodied, become part of yourself, your habits, your personality. I don’t know what a cache miss would be at that level, but it should trigger some kind of deep personality change

Interestingly, there is a similarity with jump locations
If jump locations can be extended to mean “this set of tabs/apps”, then the ideal thing would be to store not only browser tabs in org mode, but also app configuration

1.4.13. Jump locations are like caches   idea

Wikis are like caches

Vim marks are super concise, then it goes jumping to a file, and then searching through the codebase is more verbose
Also i3 marks are somewhere in between
Long enough marks also become free text completion

1.4.14. Captura en cualquier lugar

  • Llevar un cuadernillo pequeño con boli siempre encima ha hecho que pueda tomar notas si me veo un vídeo en el tren
  • Configurar Android Auto ha hecho que pueda tomar notas mientras voy conduciendo

1.4.15. A Roam into Software Engineering Management |

1.4.17. Org-mode tricks for team management

1.5. Flujos

1.5.1. Plan de viaje → Cuaderno de viaje

El flujo sería pasar de un plan de viaje, hacerlo y sacar fotos, y luego archivarlo en forma de álbum de fotos/cuaderno/diario de viaje
Lo principal que aportas es meter tus fotos personales que sólo tú puedes sacar y los comentarios personales, así que puedes rellenar antes de tiempo las fotos de los lugares principales antes de ir para no sacar fotos de ellos y ya ir anticipando/visualizando como va a ser el viaje y luego ver eso mismo en la realidad
Los fotógrafos profesionales tienen una ventaja competitiva sacando las fotos frente a tí
Lo puedes ir rellenando en el propio viaje en ratos muertos, que es justo cuando te acuerdas de estas cosas
Los criterios de captura de Tiago Forte se aplican muy bien aquí: Inspirador, Útil, Personal, Sorprendente
De momento lo he hecho en Notion, lo mismo latex tiene maneras de hacer esto

1.5.2. Recetas → Lista de la compra

1.5.3. Sitios para ir → Open Streetmaps

1.9. w3 standards

1.9.1. Semantic Web: link specifing the relationship

1.10. precedents

1.10.1. Douglas Engelbart: old school

1.10.3. How to choose the right note-taking app: the ultimate guide - Ness Labs


Visualization via diagrams, not only data visualization

1.10.9. GNOWSYS

GNU Project, web based GNOWSYS - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation metaStudio - home Group Dashboard Files � master � gnowledge / gstudio � GitLab gnowledge / gstudio � GitLab

1.10.10. Roam Brain I Tried to Build a Zettelkasten Following Andy Matuschak’s Notes and Now I Have This Weird Thing | The power of Roaman journaling | Getting Started with Algorithms of Thought | Let the kids Roam | Finding patterns in the past: Using Roam as a self-therapy tool | Non-fiction and other texts | RoamPublic

1.10.11. Forte Labs Knowledge Building Blocks: The New Meaning of Notes - Forte Labs
Once a piece of information has been interpreted through your lens, curated according to your taste, translated into your own words, or drawn from your life experience, and stored somewhere outside your head, then it’s a note.
Unlike a long, formal document, a note is discrete - it makes a single point, comes from a single source, or serves a single purpose. This gives each note clear edges and makes it easy to directly compare and contrast with other notes.
Like a LEGO block, a knowledge building block stands on its own and has intrinsic value. Yet each block can also be combined with others into greater works - a report, an essay, a website, or a video for example.
And just like LEGOs, these building blocks are reusable. You only need to put in the effort to create a note once, and then it can be mixed and matched with other notes again and again for any kind of project you work on, now or in the future. Getting Things Done + Personal Knowledge Management - Forte Labs
answers to the question: why combine them? A Conversation with David Allen on Quantifying Productivity - Forte Labs
there haven’t been a lot of people that I’ve run across who caught sort of the subtlety of essentially, the art of work. That people just work, but they don’t realize that it’s an art, an art form.
Tiago mentions Design Thinking
Design Thinking → BASB, PARA
System Thinking → PPV The Modern Swipe File: 15 Unexpected Uses for Digital Notes - Forte Labs
Put EVERYTING on your second brain. List of things you may put on it Pleasure as an Organizing Principle
Trick yourself into doing something, using intrinsic motivation. Find something you enjoy doing in that task
Atomic Habits does this very well The Snail Shell: “Pleasure as an organizing principle”

1.10.12. Dopamine is a prediction error system

1.11. Habits

1.12. Métodos de tomar notas

1.12.1. Hábitos Estructura estándar de notas

Para disfrutar los beneficios de tener un estándar de notas, TODAS tienen que seguir un estándar. Un heading por link. Cómo descartar una nota?

Hasta que no escribes un resumen, no sabes si la nota es buena o no Limitaciones al linkar

Sólo linkar con el contexto de la nota en la que pones en link y hacia la que
linkas Cerverza -> Favorita -> Mahou En tienes puesta que
tu cerveza favorita es [ [ Mahou ] ]
En NO puedes poner que tu cerveza favorita sea Mahou, sino sólo un link a [ [ Cerveza favorita ] ]
Analogías con

1.12.4. Types of notes

0. Reference notes 0. Base notes (no links in it)
1. Fleeting notes (capture) 1. Connection notes
2. Permanent notes 2. Outline notes
3. Project notes 3. Abstraction notes

1.12.5. BASB


1.12.8. Note-taking strategy 2019. // voices in my head

1.12.11. Ver “How To Practice Better When You’re Lazy Like Me” en YouTube

1.12.12. A Guide to My Organizational Workflow: How to Streamline Your Life

1.12.13. A Better Note-Taking System for Your Scattered Brain

1.12.14. How an Uber-Geeky Text Mode in a 40-Year-Old Editor Saved My Novel → how to use org-mode to tame complexity (with big-O notation!)

1.15. Pool metaphor

Backlinks (and notes which share one or more tags) are like a pool: when you want to “deep dive” into a topic, you extract stuff from the pool and put it on the main note, and refile them. (Ideally you would refile them from the backlink section into the main note, but org-roam currently does not support this, you don’t see the actual note but a copy of it)

1.16. Thread metaphor

Thoughts are connected through threads, so that when you want to elaborate on a certain topic, you can “pull the thread” via backlinks and build a train of tought that touches many different areas

1.17. Why interruptions are frustrating to developers (Tower of cards model of focus)
Focus, a model of towers of cards:
WHY at the base, Tradeoffs and workarounds, Test behavior

Author: Julian Lopez Carballal

Created: 2025-02-08 Sat 02:48