
Table of Contents

1. kubernetes

1.2. GUI/CLI de kubernetes

1.2.1. derailed/k9s: 🐶 Kubernetes CLI To Manage Your Clusters In Style! Mejoras k9s Archivos de config

1.3. links

1.4. Limits and Requests


CPU is fundamentally different than memory. CPU is a compressible resource and memory is not. In simpler terms, you can give someone spare CPU in one moment when it’s free, but that does not obligate you to continue giving them CPU in the next moment when another pod needs it. There is no downside to giving away idle CPU, because it’s easy and non-violent to reclaim it.

To paraphrase Tim Hockin, one of the Kubernetes maintainers at Google, the best practice for Kubernetes resource limits is to set memory limit=request, and never set CPU limits to avoid Kubernetes CPU throttling.

1.5. Tricks

1.5.1. Dynamic values in secret.yaml

You can also use envsubst when deploying.

cat app/deployment.yaml | envsubst | kubectl apply ...

Also possible without cat: envsubst < deployment.yaml | kubectl apply -f -

cat secret.yaml | sed -E 's/__$/"/g' | sed -E 's/__/"$/g' | envsubst | kubectl apply -f -

1.5.2. kubectl get secrets

kubectl get secrets --namespace namespace-name -o json | jaq '.items[].data |  map_values(@base64d)'
# Para ver a qué secrets pertenece cada uno
kubectl get secrets -o json | jaq '{name: .items[].metadata.name, data: .items[].data |  map_values(@base64d)}'
# TODO No repetir el name por cada data, sino que un mismo name agrupe muchos data

1.5.3. kubectl proxy && kubectl port-forward

kubectl proxy --port=4000 # Puedes usar kubernetes DNS <service-name>.<namespace>.svc.cluster.local o también
kubectl port-forward --namespace my-namespace $(kubectl get pod --namespace my-namespace --selector="app=my-app-name" --output jsonpath='{.items[0].metadata.name}') 8000:8000

1.5.4. kubectl debug

’debug’ provides automation for common debugging tasks for cluster objects identified by resource and name. Pods will be used by default if no resource is specified.

1.5.5. kubectl top

Kubernetes memory of a cluster

kubectl top pod -A --sum=true --sort-by=memory
kubectl top pod -A --sum=true | awk 'BEGIN { count = 0 } { count += $4 } END { print; print count, "Mi" }'
kubectl top node --sort-by=memory | awk 'BEGIN {count = 0; perc = 0 } {count += $4; perc += $5; print $0} END {print count, perc}'

1.5.6. kubectl max memory per deploy and cronjob

kubectl get deploy -A -o json | jq -r '.items.[] |  "\(.spec.template.spec.containers.[].resources.limits.memory // "16G" ) \(.metadata.name)"' | sort -hr
kubectl get cronjob -A -o json | jq -r '.items.[] | "\(.spec.jobTemplate.spec.template.spec.containers.[].resources.limits.memory)\t\(.spec.schedule)\t\(.metadata.name)"'

1.5.7. kubectl get sha256

kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -o jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{.status.containerStatuses[*].imageID}{"\n"}{end}'

1.5.8. kubectl cp

kubectl cp podname-nls-8rr43:/data data/

1.5.9. kubelet edit config


kubectl get --raw "/api/v1/nodes/$NODE/proxy/configz" | jq '.kubeletconfig|.kind="KubeletConfiguration"|.apiVersion="kubelet.config.k8s.io/v1beta1"' > config.json
kubectl get --raw "/api/v1/nodes/$NODE/proxy/configz" | jq '.kubeletconfig|.kind="KubeletConfiguration"|.apiVersion="kubelet.config.k8s.io/v1beta1"' | yq -y > config.yaml

1.5.10. kubectl bare metal access (root, privileged)


1.5.11. overwrite app.yaml with latest sha256

# tee to /dev/tty so that you can see docker push terminal output as it happens
checksum=$(docker push cr.io/repo/image:latest | tee /dev/tty | tail -n 1 | sed -E 's/.+digest: (.+) size: [0-9]+/\1/')
sed -Ei "s%        - image: cr.io/repo/image.*%        - image: cr.io/repo/image@$checksum%" app.yaml

1.6. kubectl plugins (krew)

1.7. kubectl apply (declarative) vs replace (imperative)

1.8. Kubernetes DNS

  • Kubernetes: DNS. In Kubernetes, DNS names are assigned… | by Claire Lee | Medium
    In Kubernetes, DNS names are assigned to Pods and Services for communication by name instead of IP address. The default domain name used for DNS resolution within the cluster is cluster.local, which can be customized if required. The DNS name for a Service follows the format <service-name>.<namespace>.svc.cluster.local, while the DNS name for a Pod follows the format <pod-ip-address-replace-dot-with-hyphen>.<namespace>.pod.cluster.local. CoreDNS operates based on a configuration file called “Corefile” that specifies how the DNS server should operate and respond to incoming requests.
  • https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/service/

1.9. Se puede montar un volumen de kubernetes en local?

Tienes kubectl cp pero sólo puedes copiar, no subir

1.10. kubelet counts active page cache against memory.available

1.11. lo bueno es esto

1.13. sidecar

Un sidecar es un pod que tiene un servicio (conexión bbdd, logs, instrumentación, volúmenes)

1.13.1. cloud-sql-proxy como sidecar

Si tienes un cronjob, el cloud-sql-proxy se queda escuchando
Está bien para deployments, pero para cronjobs tienes el proxy siempre levantado
Se habilita un endpoint en localhost:9001/quitquitquit para poder pararlo desde el servicio principal

            - command:
                - /cloud-sql-proxy
                - database-instance-name:europe-west1:gcloud-project
                - -p
                - "5432"
                - --credentials-file=/secrets/cloudsql/credentials.json
                - --quitquitquit
              image: gcr.io/cloud-sql-connectors/cloud-sql-proxy:2.8.2
              imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
              name: cloudsql-proxy-gcloud-project
              resources: {}
              terminationMessagePath: /dev/termination-log
              terminationMessagePolicy: File
                - mountPath: /secrets/cloudsql
                  name: cloudsql-instance-credentials
                  readOnly: true
            - name: cronjob-daily
              image: eu.gcr.io/gcloud-project/docker-image:latest
                - /bin/bash
                - -c
                - python cron_hourly.py; curl -X POST localhost:9091/quitquitquit

1.14. Configuración de projecto y cluster con gcloud + kubectl


gcloud container clusters get-credentials myproject-dev --project myproject-dev --zone europe-west1-b
gcloud container clusters get-credentials cluster-test --project myproject-test --zone europe-west1 # Esto seleciona el proyecto para kubectl
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=myproject # Esto selecciona el namespace
gcloud config set project myproject # Esto selecciona el proyecto de gcloud
kubectl proxy --port=4000 # Te le vanta un proxy directamente al cluster

1.15. Configuración de projecto y cluster con azure + kubectl

docker login -u my-project-token my-project.azurecr.io
az login; az account set --subscription e5427996-29ad-4773-477d-aa58c8bf10bc; az aks get-credentials --name my-project --resource-group RES-IN-AZ-ENV
kubectl config set-context --current --cluster my-project --namespace='my-namespace'
k9s -n my-namespace --context my-project-aks

1.16. Config con CerBot

cmctl status certificate service-tls --namespace service

1.17. Debugging

kubectl exec -it pod-name-dff949685-fr46b -- /bin/bash

1.20. Referencia de la API

1.20.1. Notación (sintaxis parecida a Python)

  • <> indica tipo object genérico (puede saberse pero no se concreta
    a propósito de este resumen)
  • def indica valores por defecto
  • Los booleanos se escriben option:False para decir que es el valor
    por defecto
  • nombre: tipo. Comentario [:{subcampos: tipo. Comentario}]
  • Un tipo antes de unas llaves afecta a todas las variables de dentro
    salvo que se sobreescriban. a:Resource:str{b, c, d:int} significa:
    a es Resource, b y c son str, d es int
  • Si el tipo está incluido en el nombre, se marca con **:
    lastProbe*Time* es tipo Time, y *ContainerStatus*es es tipo
    ContainerStatus list
  • Describir tipos que tienen los mismos campos:
    [limits:<>.Maximum amount, requests:<>.Minimum amount] :<>{cpu, memory, hugepages}
  • Enumeraciones con (): state: str("start", "run", "stop", "fail")

1.20.2. Container Container v1 core
  - args: str list
  - command: str list
  - env: EnvVar list:str{name, value}
  - image: str
  - imagePullPolicy: str ("Always" def if image~=":latest", "Never", def "IfNotPresent")
  - lifecycle: Lifecycle:{postStart: Handler, preStop: Handler}
  - livenessProbe: Probe:<>{exec, failureThreshold, httpGet, initialDelaySeconds, periodSeconds},
  sucessThreshold, tcpSocket, timeoutSeconds}
  - name: str
  - ports: ContainerPort list:<>{containerPort, hostIP, hostPort, name, protocol}
  - readinessProbe: Probe
  - resources: ResourceRequirements{[limits:<>.Maximum amount, requests:<>.Minimum amount] :<>{cpu, memory,
  - *securityContext*: :<>{allowPrivilegeEscalation, capabilities, privileged, procMount,
      readOnlyFilesystem, runAsGroup, runAsNonRoot, runAsUser, seLinuxOptions, windowsOptions}
  - startupProbe: Probe
  - stdin: False. Allocate a buffer for stdin?
  - stdinOnce: False. Close stdin once it has been opened?
  - terminationMessagePath: str
  - terminationMessagePolicy: str
  - tty: False. Allocate tty? Requires stdin: True
  - *volumeDevice*s: : str{devicePath, name}
  - volumeMount: VolumeMount list: str{mountPath, mountPropagation, name, readOnly:False, subPath,
  - workingDir: str ContainerStates v1 core
  - containerID: "docker://<container_id>"
  - image: str
  - imageID: str
  - lastState: ContainerState:<>{running:{startedAt}, terminated:{containerID,exitCode,finishedAt,
    message,reason,signal,startedAt},waiting:{message,reason}, name:str, ready:bool, restartCount: int,
    started:bool, state:ContainerState}

1.20.3. Pod v1 core

  - [apiVersion, kind]: str
  - metadata: ObjectMetadata
  - spec: PodSpec
  - status: PodStatus PodSpec v1 core
  - activeDeadlineSeconds: int. Seconds active before pod is marked as failed
  - affinity: Affinity
  - automountServiceAcountToken: bool
  - *container*s
  - dnsConfig: <>
  - dnsPolicy: str
  - enableServiceLinks: true. Docker links(?)
  - *ephemeralContainer*s
  - *hostAlias*es: {hostnames: str list, ip: str}
  - hostIPC: False
  - hostNetwork: False
  - hostPID: False
  - hostname: str
  - imagePullSecrets: LocalObjectReference <>
  - init*Container*s
  - nodeName: str
  - nodeSelector: <>
  - overhead: <>. Autopopulated
  - readinessGates: PodReadinessGate list
  - restartPolicy: str(def "Always", "OnFailure", "Never")
  - runtimeClassName: str
  - schedulerName: str
  - securityContext: PodSecurityContext
  - serviceAccountName: str
  - shareProcessNamespace: bool
  - subdomain: str
  - terminationGracePeriodSeconds: int. Seconds the pod needs to terminate gracefully, may be decreased in
    delete rqeuests. def 30
  - *toleration*s
  - *topologySpreadConstraint*s
  - *volume*s: <>{awsElasticBlockStore, azureDisk, azureFile, cephfs, cinder, configMap, csi, downwardAPI,
          emptyDir, fc, flexVolume, flocker, gcePersistentDisk, gitRepo, glusterfs, hostPath, iscsi, name,
          nfs, persistentVolumeClaim, photonPersistentDisk, portworxVolume, projected, quobyte, rbd,
          scaleIO, secret, storageos, vsphereVolume} PodStatus v1 core
  - conditions: PodCondition list
  - *containerStatus*es
  - ephemeral*ContainerStatus*es
  - hostIP: str
  - init*ContainerStatus*es
  - message: str
  - nominatedNodeName: str
  - phase: str
  - podIP: str
  - podIPs: PodIP list
  - qosClass: str
  - reason: str
  - start*Time*

1.20.4. Deployment v1 apps

  - [apiVersion, kind]: str
  - metadata: ObjectMetadata
  - spec: DeploymentSpec
  - status: DeploymentStatus DeploymentSpec v1 app
  - minReadySeconds: int. How many seconds should a pod be running (no containers crashing) for it to be
    considered available? def 0
  - paused: bool
  - progressDeadlineSeconds: The maximum time in seconds for a deployment to make progress before it is
    considered to be failed. def 600
  - replicas: int. Number of desired pods. def 1
  - revisionHistoryLimit: int. Number of old ReplicaSets to retain to allow rollback. def 10
  - selector: LabelSelector{matchExpressions: LabelSelectorRequirement list, matchLabels:<>}
  - strategy: DeploymentStrategy: {rollingUpdate: RollingUpdateDeployment: {
                maxSurge:<>. Maximum number of pods that can be scheduled above the desired number of
                pods, can be absolute number or a percentage of desired pods (number is rounded up).
                def 25%
                maxUnavailable:<>. Maximum number of pods that hat can be unavailable during the
                update, can be absolute number or a percentage of desired pods (number is rounded down).
        }, type: str("Recreate", def "RollingUpdate")
  - template: PodTemplateSpec: {metadata: ObjectMetadata, spec: PodSpec} DeploymentStatus v1 apps
  - availableReplicas: int. Total number of available pods (ready for at least minReadySeconds)
  - collisionCount: int. Count of hash collisions for the Deployment
  - conditions: DeploymentCondition list: {
    lastTransition*Time*. Last time the condition transitioned from one status to another,
    lastUpdate*Time* Last time this condition was updated,
    [message,reason,status,type] :str}
  - observedGeneration: int
  - readyReplicas: int
  - replicas: int
  - unavailableReplicas: int
  - updatedReplicas: int

1.20.5. Job v1 batch

  - [apiVersion, kind]: str
  - metadata: ObjectMetadata
  - spec: JobSpec
  - status: JobStatus JobSpec v1 batch
   - activeDeadlineSeconds: int.  Seconds relative to the startTime that the job may be active before the
  system tries to terminate it
  - backoffLimit: int. Number of retries before marking this job failed. def 6
  - completions: int. Desired number of successfully finished pods the job should be run with
  - parallelism: int. Maximum desired number of pods the job should run at any given time
  - selector: LabelSelector. A label query over pods (should match the pod count), usually autocompleted
  - template: PodTemplateSpec
  - ttlSecondsAfterFinished: int JobStatus v1 batch
  - active: int. Number of actively running pods
  - completion*Time*
  - conditions JobCondition list. Latest available observations of an object current state: {
      lastProbe*Time*, lastTransition*Time*, [message,reason,status,type]: str
  - failed: int. Number of pods which reached phase Failed.
  - start*Time*
  - suceeded: int. Number of pods which reached phase Suceeded.

1.20.6. StatefulSet v1 apps

  - [apiVersion, kind]: str
  - metadata: ObjectMetadata
  - spec: StatefulSetSpec
  - status: StatefulSetStatus StatefulSetSpec v1 apps
  - podManagementPolicy: str(def "OrderedReady". pods are created in increasing order, controller waits
  until each pod is ready. When scaling down, the pods are removed in the opposite order, "Parallel")
  - replicas: int. Desired number of replicas. def 1
  - revisionHistoryLimit: int. Maximum number of revisions maintained in revision history. def 10
  - selector: LabelSelector
  - serviceName: str. Name of the service that governs this StatefulSet. This service must exist before the
  StatefulSet, and is responsible for the network identity of the set
  - template: PodTemplateSpec
  - updateStrategy: StatefulSetUpdateStrategy {rollingUpdate: RollingUpdateStatefulSetStrategy{
      partition:int. Indicates the ordinal at which the StatefulSet should be partitioned. def 0},
      type: str(def "RollingUpdate")}
  - volumeClaimTemplates: PersistentVolumeClaim list: {[apiVersion, kind]: str, metadata:ObjectMetadata,
      spec: PersistentVolumeClaimSpec, status: PersistentVolumeClaimStatus} StatefulSetStatus v1 apps

1.20.7. CronJob v1beta1 batch

  - apiVersion: str
  - kind: str
  - metadata: ObjectMetaData
  - spec: CronJobSpec
  - status: CronJobStatus CronJobSpec v1beta1 batch
  - concurrencyPolicy: str(def "Allow": allows CronJobs to run concurrently,
      "Forbid": forbids concurrent runs skipping next run if previous run hasn't finished yet,
      "Replace": cancels currently running job and replaces it with a new one)
  - failedJobsHistoryLimit: int. Number of failed finished jobs to retain. def 1
  - jobTemplate: JobTemplateSpec {metadata: ObjectMeta, spec: JobSpec}
  - schedule:str. The schedule in Cron format
  - startingDeadlineSeconds: int. Optional deadline in seconds for starting the job if it misses scheduled
    time for any reason. Missed jobs executions will be counted as failed ones.
  - successfulJobsHistoryLimit:int. Number of successful finished jobs to retain. def 3
  - suspend: false. This flag tells the controller to suspend subsequent executions, it does not apply to
    already started executions.

1.20.8. LabelSelector v1 meta

  - matchExpressions: LabelSelectorRequirement list. The requirements are ANDed {
      key: str
      operator: str("In", "NotIn", "Exists", "DoesNotExist")
  - matchLabels <>. matchLabels is a map of {key,value} pairs. A single {key,value} in the matchLabels map
    is equivalent to an element of matchExpressions, whose key field is "key", the operator is "In", and
    the values array contains only "value". The requirements are ANDed.
  - values str list. If the operator is In or NotIn, the values array must be non-empty. If the operator is
    Exists or DoesNotExist, the values array must be empty.

1.20.9. Service v1 core

- [apiVersion, kind]: str
- spec: ServiceSpec
- status: ServiceStatus ServiceSpec v1 core
- allocateLoadBalancerNodePorts: bool def true
- clusterIP: str. Optional
- clusterIPs: list[str]. Optional
- externalIPs: list[str]
- externalName: str
- externalTrafficPolicy: str(def "Cluter", "Local")
- healthCheckNodePort: int
- selector: Route service traffic to pods with label keys and values matching this selector.

1.20.10. Secrets en variables de entorno

Crear el Secret

  apiVersion: v1
  kind: Secret
    name: mysecret
  type: Opaque

Referenciar el Secret

  apiVersion: v1
  kind: Pod
    name: secret-test-pod
      - name: test-container
        image: k8s.gcr.io/busybox
        command: [ "/bin/sh", "-c", "env" ]
        - secretRef:
            name: mysecret
    restartPolicy: Never

Las variables de entorno tienen ya la información necesaria
Puedes separar varios secrets con una nueva línea y ---

1.20.11. Regularidades

  • Todos los objetos tienen spec, que es el estado deseado que tenga el
    objeto, y status que es el estado actual.
  • Los campos TemplateSpec son siempre
    TemplateSpecABC: {metadata: ObjectMetadata, spec: ABCSpec} Conditions
  • JobCondition, DeploymentCondition

1.21. Node Scheduling: Taints vs Tolerations


Node affinity is a property of Pods that attracts them to a set of nodes (either as a preference or a hard requirement). Taints are the opposite – they allow a node to repel a set of pods.
Tolerations are applied to pods. Tolerations allow the scheduler to schedule pods with matching taints. Tolerations allow scheduling but don’t guarantee scheduling: the scheduler also evaluates other parameters as part of its function.
Taints and tolerations work together to ensure that pods are not scheduled onto inappropriate nodes. One or more taints are applied to a node; this marks that the node should not accept any pods that do not tolerate the taints.

1.22. “3 Years of Kubernetes in Production–Here’s What We Learned”

“3 Years of Kubernetes in Production–Here’s What We Learned” por Komal Venkatesh
Ganesan https://link.medium.com/hv7uaNtsS9

Author: Julian Lopez Carballal

Created: 2024-10-21 Mon 10:23